Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Your Feedback

I have no shortage of ideas for new posts on this blog. However, I would like to make future posts as relevant and interesting as possible. I encourage you to send me questions or ideas for new topics.

I am also looking for feedback about the topics I have so far, the length of posts, suggestions about how to improve the look of the blog, and especially ideas about the layout and how to make it easier to navigate or search. Notification of typos or grammar mistakes would also be appreciated. Constructive criticism is more than welcome.

Please send your thoughts to my e-mail address: TheRulesRevisited@gmail.com.



  1. My thoughts:

    1. More posts would be nice. You put a lot of thought into them so I don't know if you have time to invest in 3/posts a week. But that would be nice.

    2. Question of the week

    3. Why do you have twitter? Just to repost links? Delete it then.

    4. I love you perspective and writing

    5. How to be more fun around/internal attractiveness

  2. Oh always a recent comments list so we can see where people are talking. I have been following since the beginning.

  3. 1. I'm struggling to get out 1/week as it is. It takes a lot of time...
    2. Yeah I like that idea. The hard part is getting people to send non-personal questions (everyone asks me not to share details)
    3. Twitter was requested by people who don't want to keep checking back. All I've used it for so far is re-posting links, but I will eventually throw in some comments, thoughts, etc.
    4. I'll add it to the list
    5. I added recent comments. You should see it below the search box now


    1. Could you please do a book review of a book called "How to marry the man of your choice"? I would love your thoughts on this one.
      You write very clearly by the way. Nice job.

    2. Andrew ..you have got to be kidding me..how far did you have to stick your head up your own ass to come up with the garbage you just blogged that you actually called "resourceful info?" HAHAHA maybe in the tiny bubble you live in has fed you a false sence of self ego and what you really need to do is get the fuck over yourself. And No, I am not a bitter single thirty year old who hates all men because of past heartbreaks I am simply relplying because you couldnt be more ignorant and naive if you tried so maybe you should try to find another way to feel powerful instead of installing a false fear into women ..As I will tell you this...I just turned thirty and yes ,I am single,faboulous, & free,and let me tell you Dr.love ...I have never been asked out more, more hit on , more approached,and more desired by men than I am right now and you know why ? I walk with confidence now ,I know exactly who I am and I know what I want, and I have more than just a pretty face to show for it, I have personality ,i have charm , I have success , and know my sex appeal and trust me andrew ...i am doing just find infact having the time of my life . So continue to please stay and live in your tiny little bubble where you feel big and important because trust me you just wont fit in the real world, where the big boys play

    3. I agree completely with sash. It's sickening to think anyone would listen to this chauvinist crap

  4. I LOVE this blog! Just keep updating, that's my only suggestion. I like the inclusion of pictures and graphs.

  5. Love the posts about how to increase female attractiveness--- have to confess being one of the gals who just has not worked much on this and now I am trying to learn and it is difficult. Thanks for your ideas!

  6. 1. Maybe one on the different venues you meet men? I read somewhere that a majority of men thinks that if you meet a man in a bar, you cannot expect it to ever get serious. Would be great with a man's view on this - as in are men more likely to take you seriously if you met at school or through a mutual friend?
    2. Since you've written about appearances, do men care about fashion at all? Is it true that you are likely to be seen as "high maintenance" if you're fashionable or have expensive clothes?
    3. Is it true that men who have close relationships with their families are more likely to make great boyfriends? As in players won't be as close to their mothers, you should try to see how he treats the women in his life etc.

    Just a few suggestions :-)

    1. ...I second all 3 of these ideas!

    2. Just wanted to make a quick comment about #3- my husband does not have a good relationship with his mom, but in this case it has to do with her character and not his. I was able to see this easily after meeting him and didn't think twice about the traditional advice about a man and his mother... that said, I did look to see how he treated other close female family members who were worthy of respect. Also, being too close to his mother should be a warning sign of future marital problems---- mommy isn't likely to give up her coveted #1 position.

    3. Ellie is right. I have a friend that is still living at home. He is 27. When his mom met his girlfriend, she basically waged war against her. Steer clear of that situation. Even my mom - who has only met a couple of the girls I've dated - shows small signs of jealousy, and we aren't THAT close.

  7. I like that you're one of the few, if not only, blog that approaches the SMP with graphs, statistics, pie charts, numerical breakdowns etc. Please keep doing that! It sets you apart from everyone else.RE: Layout. It's a bit... bland. Baby blue/lavender is more nursery wallpaper than analytical.

    I love this blog though. Don't ever disappear.I've tried some of your advice and it's worked like a charm! (:

  8. Hi, love the blog. Can you write anything on men and LOVE?

  9. Your blog is incredibly helpful. I'd love to read about what makes you want to go out again with someone and ultimately what makes you want to be in a LTR with someone.

    Thanks for all the thought you so obviously put into this!

  10. Feminine Mystique/Allure
    - Some girls I've met have this certain je ne sais quoi attribute that makes them inviting yet mysterious. I would love to read a man's perspective on that. And also, hopefully, be able to emulate that in the future.

    Sex Appeal
    - still working on this, but I can't seem to get it right.

    Inner Beauty/Radiance
    - If that doesn't happen to be the same thing as the whole feminine mystique thing.

    Being Approachable outside the bar/party context
    - Especially for introverts.

    Body Language,in terms of flirting

    I can't think of anymore off the top of my head. Other than that, like others have said, I really appreciate the work you put into your blog.

  11. I'd like to hear your thoughts on how a hookup can become a relationship, if it can. That is, what a girl can do to turn her casual guy into something more. I wonder if it's even possible at all.

    1. you *have* to set the expectations /before/ you sleep with him or he's a lost cause. Move on. The only exception i've found is when he tries to get you to hook up with him a 2nd time you can sometimes put your foot down then and say you won't be a hook up. This rarely works, but occasionally it does.

      In my experience, once you've slept with a guy twice he thinks you have no boundaries and he can get away with anything.

      The only way to not get treated like a hook up is to stop acting like one, and yes I know this means not getting laid anywhere near as much.. But the sex you do have will be 100 times better if you save it for those who are interested in something more than just easy sex.

  12. Also, can you write about when/why/how guys fall in love. "Fireworks" and all. What does it take?

  13. Also, the colors of your blog are "blue on blue". Makes it hard to read. What's wrong with good ol "black on white"? Also, I suggest you keep this "feedback" post somewhere where it's easily visible and accessible, since people will keep contributing, I'm sure.

  14. Do you have an opinion on the importance of hot vs pretty? I don't mean for hookup potential but for general overall attraction. How much hot vs pretty is ideal?

  15. I think you should do a post on plastic surgery. How men perceive women who get it and so on.

    1. Yes, a post on how men view plastic surgery would be very helpful!

    2. I might be able to help.

      Some surgery is reconstructive; that is to say, essential (cleft palate reconstruction, car accidents, etc). Some surgery is very subtle (i.e. good nose job). Most men don't notice these, and you're not going to discuss it with them,are you?

      Sometimes it's deliberately obvious - inner tube lips, basketball boobs, ski jump noses, and that face in a U2 aftrburner look...all very painful to look at. Who wants to play with plastic? Oh yes - lipo does'nt exist. You can handle that on your own the natural way.

      I have over a period of 35 years had a lot of good work done with an honest doctor, and today I look 10-15 years younger. Good, well constructed plastic surgery can tip the scales to your advantage. Discuss it with a couple of honest friends beforehand.

      In case there are any misunderstandings, men may benefit from plastics too!

      Best to you!


  16. As a woman in her thirties, I am amazed by your insight. I have not come across any professional (such as a psychologist or therapist) or amateur (without a professional degree let's say), in print or on tv, who is able to honestly and intelligently articulate the differences between women and men as you do.

  17. Hey Andrew,
    I would love to see a post on how being a single mum affects the way guys will view dating you.

  18. Andrew, would you be open to advising women individually by email?

    1. Yeah, shoot me an e-mail. be sure to include your age and the country you are from. Brevity is always appreciated!

  19. Andrew,
    Thank you for your perspective. It is honest and eye opening.

  20. Hey Andrew,

    Thanks for taking the time to explain some of these things to women. I came across your blog and had a few ideas on some things I'd like you to comment on for these women:

    1. Exes - whats going through a mans head when she brings him up or keeps him as a friend

    2. The timing game - not sure why, but women tend to show an interest in me... after I stop having an interest in them. This is somewhat frustrating for me personally because I feel that once Im rejected by a woman, depending how she did it, I feel when they come back wanting to date me its my opportunity to reciprocate their actions..

    3. How to help women help men make the first move - i have a lot of shy friends who are great catches but after being rejected too many times by trivial reasons theyve given up. Me and my guy friends were talking about this the other night and we thought - if the woman generally gets the idea to the man that she's interested in him, but doesnt make a move, and hte man makes the move, that doesnt break the 'dont initiate contact' rule. Comment?

    4. 'The list' women carry around with them in their head of what the perfect man is and how they pass up great guys who are 8s or 9s to hold out for that 10 that doesnt exist. Maybe you've heard of Lori Gottlieb's "Marry Him: the case for settling for mr. good enough" and her stories about dating.

    5. The biological time clock that dings at age 30

    Thanks Andrew, I look forward to reading more from you!

    1. I suggest that #2 is not timing, but the FACT that you stop showing interest in them. Women (like men) have egos, and when you ignore the after showing interest, they lose the affirmation you gave them by showing interest, and they try to get it back. You'd probably find that if you did give it back, they'd "lose interest again" so you should either (a) forget about them, or (b) show less interest in the first place so that their initial impression of you is better, then escalate.

  21. Sorry Andrew, its me from the last email with the 5 topics.. I have one more really important one-

    The number of sexual partners a woman has had and how it affects us men.


    1. Thanks for the input. I've already addressed #5, but I like some of your ideas and will add them to my list.

  22. Posts I would really love to see:
    What kind of woman men would aim to marry, aka the perfect woman, and how that has been dealt with in the girls you have dated
    What worked in the relationships you've been in and why you've broken up with girls, or haven't committed to one yet (what is in the right person that you're waiting for)?
    The sort of women men are attracted to due to personality (I know you've said this varies from guy to guy) but maybe a post on the 10 myths about attracting men (like being independent, sassy, super trendy etc)

  23. This probably varies from guy to guy, but when it comes to "appropriateness", are there other things which may hold a guy back from initiating things with you? Let's say he's quite a bit older, he's a friend of your dad, working together... If you sense that there is something which keeps him from initiating, how can you assure him it's okay without actually initiating yourself?

  24. I love this website, your advice on improving your appearance as a girl is very helpful!! I thought you might be interested in a website named "Taaz". A girl can upload a picture of her face and change all her make-up (even make clear skin and whiten teeth) and change her hair. I found the website very useful to see what I could improve and how much of a difference it would make to my appearance. Therefore this also motivated me to actually put more effort into improving my looks. Just thought it might be worth recommending this to your audience.

    Keep up the great work, and thanks a lot for all your help!

  25. I am happily married but have many dating friends who seek my advice with regards to their prospective relationships, etc.

    My question for you (and I apologize if this subject has been discussed in the past) is how much conversation should be done via text/email/social media? I have noticed a grossly disproportionate amount of time spent on non-verbal communications versus face-to-face or even phone discussions.

    Some relationships (prior to dinner and sex) are based wholly on a slew of late-night texts! What are your thoughts on this trend?

  26. One post about what men think of women in bed? I love sex myself, but I wonder sometimes if I ask a bit 'too much' in the first stages of having sex. I don't want to come across like I've slept with x amount of guys, haha!

    Love your blog, btw. I only discovered it 2 nights ago and I've read nearly all of your topics.

  27. Dear Andrew,
    I was sorry to read you're going offline for a while because I enjoy reading your posts, I'm sure they helped me a lot in finding a boyfriend and having a happy relationship, and I always forward your posts to my (girl)friends. It would be great if you could write more often (and longer! I like your style.), but I guess there must be some other work you have to do :-). When you come back maybe you could write on following topics:
    How to deal with his female friends
    How to work on your personality to become more attractive
    How not to repeat your parent's (mother's in case of girls) mistakes in your own relationships

    Greetings from Croatia!

  28. Hello! Your Blog is really, really awesome and helpful!!

    Especially as you will be going on a break (so sad to hear but understandable!) do you have any OTHER BLOG RECOMMENDATIONS? I've benefited much from your blog and really couldn't find other blogs that were centered around women what they really need to hear (especially from a male perspective). If you have some sort of a "blogroll" list, I'd love to hear your recommendations!

    Take care and again thank you,

  29. Great blog!

    How about a post on the dynamic that single motherhood has on a woman's dating prospects?

  30. Andrew, I'm so glad you're helping the late bloomers step up our game =)
    Some Ideas:
    (1) Manicures--essential or a waste of time/resources
    (2) Should you let your boyfriend see all the stuff/time/effort that gets you looking as good as you do?
    (3) Wiggling your hips when you walk. Some people suggest doing it on purpose...I'm afraid it'll just look silly.
    (4) good smile vs...not so flattering smile

    1. Haha nice I will write the manicures one right now that one is easy.

      I have a post drafted on #2 already. Not sure when it will be up but it's coming.

      #3 - Do what's natural, but you should also recognize that as a female, you are a very sensual, sexy being (regardless of how attractive you are), and when you realize that I think your gait will start to change.

      I'll see what I can come up with for #4.

    2. I'm curious about the manicure response.
      It has always amused me, because 90% of the American girls I know are obsessed with nails, but seem to ignore everything else. A friend of mine from LA is 30 pounds overweight, dark roots in her hair, bad makeup and tacky style, and every time I see her, she goes "shit! I really need to do something about my nails".

  31. Hey could you write a post on when the right time to sleep with a guy is, that is in terms of the girl wanting a LTR.Is there a point at which the guy can't go without? When is too soon?

    1. Wait until he says "I want to date you exclusively" and you believe him. Not before. In other words, wait until you are his girlfriend.

      Some people wait for marriage. I have mixed feelings about this, but if you believe it is the right thing to do, I won't tell you it's a bad idea.

    2. Thank you Andrew,thats very helpful.Should you always wait for the guy to bring up exclusivity or can you say something like "What do you think about us being exclusive?".

      Yes I do think in all honesty that after sex a woman is more bonded and vulnerable than the guy and ideally Id like to wait till marriage or maybe engagement.I know a lot of girls will disagree with me.

      Its just hard to tell a guy you want to wait when he's had casual sex in the past so I don't tell them straight away.Its so easy for a guy to get laid that sometimes I feel I won't meet my guy but Im still hoping :-)

    3. No, you don't have to wait for him to bring it up. But you should't do it too soon either (reasonable girls will avoid this naturally). You also shouldn't wait for months and months (or years) to have that discussion. A lot depends on how often you see each other, but I think after a couple months of behaving like an exclusive couple, if he hasn't said anything, you should bring it up.

    4. Do you have suggestions on how to say "I won't have sex until I am in an exclusive relationship"?

    5. Yep: "I won't have sex until I am in an exclusive relationship"

      It isn't the words you use that matters, it is the way you say it, which should be with a gentle certainty. Don't over-assert it, but be sure about what you are saying.

  32. Andrew,

    I'd enjoy a post on "Girl Hot vs. Guy Hot". I understand that your past posts have often expressed gender differences in relation to perception of attractiveness. I would appreciate an article of direct comparisons though. For example, makeup looks, hair, body shape and size, clothing. Most of the women I know present themselves for other women. While there is nothing wrong with that, I do find that these same women come to me for advice on attracting men. I can't properly express to them why their "look" gets all sorts of compliments from women, but a more simple and form-flattering outfit will get me only compliments from men. So, in summation...can you please lay it all out in one post with a few pictures. Even though it will be retracing some ground that you have already covered, I believe it would be very well-received by your readers.

    Thank you for devoting your time to helping us ladies. We really appreciate it.

    1. I just realized that this would be a spin-off on your "Cute vs. Sexy" post. However, I don't think that Girl Hot always equals "cute" and that Guy Hot always equals "sexy". Do you?

    2. I don't think that is quite it. In general I don't think there is a difference between girl hot and guy hot. At least not one I've noticed... I will give it some thought though.

    3. I have a perspective on this. Women are looking at overall aesthetic quality of the outfit, with an emphasis on style. How do the colors go together, s it an interesting pattern, how trendy is her accessorizing, etc. All of these things are what go into being "cute". But men are looking primarily at the woman's figure and how the clothes accentuate that. Major difference. Men aren't blind and can also appreciate aesthetics, but I think the substance of what they are observing is a woman's figure. There's also something about the smokey eye that is sexy. Not quite sure why, but in that sense, type of makeup does come into play.

  33. How much do you know about body language? You're very observant and perceptive, so even if you're not an expert, you might be able to explain some common body language to watch for in men. How can you tell if a guy is interested when you are in a group setting and he doesn't have a chance to approach you?

  34. Hi Andrew, I just read the post titled "Know why you are dating".Could you explain how you approach asking a man if he wants an LTR .I know of friends who have told men on first dates that they want to get married but I don't think I could do this as it seems well a little desperate, plus most men want to get married so they will agree but it wouldnt mean they want to marry their date necessarily!

    On the other hand I don't want to waste time on someone who isn't ready to consider a LTR and get emotionally attached etc.
    I come from a culture where arranged marriages are still intact and Ive had instances of guys telling me and his family he wanted to marry me and then backing out which naturally left me upset.
    So I guess I want to strike a balance between opening up to a man and staying emotionally intact and know a guy's intentions sooner rather than later so as not to waste time and energy.

  35. Thank you for your time and efforts to thoroughly and thoughtfully share and communicate this information to women such as myself who want to do the right thing in matters of interpersonal relationships while not letting ourselves be unwittingly taken advantage of or used. You have helped me to not repeat past mistakes by explaining the truth behind why my actions were mistakes and why they were misinterpreted, or rather, interpreted differently than I intended by men. You give truths that are painful for women to face and believe, but you convey your sincerity and good-heartedness simultaneously. That makes it easier for us (women) to try to reconcile how quality men can have such different behaviors and beliefs than we do, some of which are hurtful until we learn to understand the basis of the differences and how the seemmingly contradictory worldviews of the genders actually does fit together so that people can find love and lasting relationships, because you make it clear that many men actually do want those things too. You are someone who sincerely cares and is trying (and in my case you have succeeded) to help others in a field that demands blunt honesty but you source it from a gentle heart. Thank you, Andrew.

  36. What makes a girl marriage material or not marriage material? What do men mean when they say that a girl is or is not marriage material?

    1. A lot of things... Read through some of the older posts and you will get the idea. But keep in mind that there are some things that one guy wants in a wife that another does not.

    2. I'd rate sexual fidelity in a woman very highly in terms of marriage material.Physical attraction, being warm, open and caring are other traits Id look for in a wife.

    3. Being slutty is a definite no, never.

      Her careers is irrelevant. Being carrier driven gives negative points. Feminist studies give double negative points.

      The rest amounts to being a good mother, being sexually attractive and available, being drama free and agreeable.

      Being intelligent enough that instructions can be comprehended (since sluts get weeded out at the first round of filtering, this is mostly a none issue).

      Among the more obvious things is that she needs to not be prone to doing things like this:


      Obviously, if the man himself is a feminist, then all the above is inverted, including the last point.

    4. I consider myself a feminist as a women, but that's because I believe that both men and women should be given equal rights such as health care, being able to attend school etc. People describe me as sweet and caring alot, so it upsets me that people think feminists are rude and aggressive, even though alot of them are. Do you think it's the fact that a women labels herself as a 'feminist' that is unattractive, or what you think that label entails?

  37. More topics about what men think about makeup? What men think about when a girl does too much? Moving states to be with a guy? How to let man chase?

    1. I am working on a post about what men think about seeing women without makeup. Keep an eye out for it.

    2. Great, maybe a note on whether to leave some makeup on when going to sleep together etc.

    3. @Anon - Wow you are totally over-thinking this. I wear make-up regardless of what men think. I know that some men won't like it but I don't care. Besides, men don't know what they're talking about. I wear a lot of subtle make-up and men tell me "you look so good natural". It's not a meritocracy. I do what I like and don't reveal my beauty regime to any man.

    4. That's unrelated to what I asked. Sleeping with makeup is not good for your skin, but sometimes I put a little concealer and mineral powder to look better for a man.
      I wear makeup everyday even if I'm not meeting anyone, but if I'm meeting the guy I'm dating, I make extra effort. Most women do (or should). Most women also know how to do subtle makeup. I never said you should tell a man what your beauty regime it.

    5. I wouldn't suggest wearing make up to bed unless it happens naturally (i.e. you have sex after going out then fall asleep). But on a normal night I think it's excessive. Standby for that post.

    6. I'm curious about this as well- I take off my makeup every night before bed, and sometimes me and my boyfriend (early in relationship! about 2 months) will hang out after I've done that or in the morning before I've reapplied.

      The other day while we were out (and I was wearing makeup), he asked me "are you wearing eyeshadow? do you always do that?" I laughed and said "I wear it sometimes but you see me without makeup all the time!" He didn't even realize. I always figured the second I took off my makeup, he noticed immediately and just never said anything. Anyway, I don't know if all guys are like this, but it surprised me.

  38. What about describing leagues more- what makes you an 8? Just looks alone or is it a combo of looks, education, personality?
    What pushes men away?
    Why men say things but don't necessarily mean them? Aka I want to marry you/have kids w you then breakup?

    1. Your league is definitely a looks-personality combo. A lot of things can push a man away. I have a number of posts on this already but I will keep them coming.

      Men say things like this to get what they want, i.e. sex.

  39. How to know if your a rebound? If he is ready to date after a divorce and breakup?

  40. Andrew,

    Your blog covers everything women need to know and need to learn to accept. Thank you for keeping it real. I am always looking for the truth, especially when it comes to men and relationships. I am curious, what do men generally think when a woman they are dating occassionally checks out other girls and comment on them? A comment like, "wow, did you see that girl? She was gorgeous."

    1. They think she is trying to get her to admit that the other girl is hotter than her. At least that is what I usually think, and a woman's motives are usually directly obvious in light of her level of self-confidence (which is easily gauged in a number of different ways).

      For example, if I know the girl making the comment is very secure with her level of attractiveness and my attraction to her, I will realize that she really is actually just impressed by the passing woman's beauty, so I will casually agree and move on.

    2. Thank you! Excellent response. Another random question for you - I know you are a huge advocate of physical fitness. What do men think when I invite them to attend a hot yoga class with me? I do this partly because I am passionate about yoga and I want to share it with everyone, but if I am being honest with myself I think it is partly because I know I am good at it and I want to show off in front of a guy I am interested in. Of course I dont verbalize the latter. How do you think my invite is perceived by men? Could this possibly be a bad move because despite the fact that I am good at it, I wear minimial makeup to class, my hair is not done and I am dripping sweat practically the entire duration of class. So basically I am inviting a guy to see me in my least attractive state makeup/hair wise, yet at the same time showing off my superior physical fitness. Thoughts?

    3. I think it is smart. He will see you without make up and sweaty eventually anyway, and it doesn't hurt that he is seeing you in this state while you are also exuding an aura of health (because you are exercising), skill (because you are good at it), confidence (because you are comfortable in a yoga studio), and physical attractiveness (because you are wearing tight clothes that show off your figure). So you end up showing yourself "at your worst" when you actually have a large number of things going for you.

    4. I think the confidence that Anon 12:42 shows in doing that makes her incredibly hot.

    5. Haha I love it! I totally do the yoga thing too! No shame! After years of being pissed that I couldn't stretch in peace without being hit out, hollered at (and that was just high school) I finally just embraced it. I was like to hell with it! I do yoga and maintain my flexibility because I love it and it is the only thing that helps manage my chronic pain, but if you want to stare at me and drool all over yourself like a buffoon that is your prerogative.

      But its a great tool when you know how hot guys think it is! I will like causally slip my yoga class into a conversation with a guy I like and tell them they should check it out. Also guys who are good at yoga.... SUCH A TURN ON!!!

      On a slightly different note:
      And for some reason... maybe some dudes can shed some light on this situation but for some reason there were a number of guys that had a huge thing for me (in high school especially) even though they only really saw me when i was totally disgusting and sweaty and totally exhausted and cranky after practice everyday.

      What is the appeal? I just don't really get it. When I am a the gym, I have sweat all my makeup off I probably have a scowl on my face, I don't like being approached and I make that very clear, I don't make eye contact so that no one takes it as an invitation to come and interrupt my workout, I keep my head phones in, I am just all around unfriendly (I hate being interrupted during a workout) and yet I still have guys either hitting on me or just openly staring at me and talking to their friends about me.
      Like checking people out is one thing. I people watch all the time. I am always scoping just for the fun of it but like I am disgusting at the gym. I am not only of those girls who goes to the gym wearing makeup and the cutest new lulu lemon attire. I am pretty sure as soon as I walk into the gym, especially a weight room, I basically become a dude. What is the deal?

  41. This is prob the best no frills relationship blog ive come across. While i dont agree with everything, i do learn stuff. Thanks!

  42. I really like your blog but it is very hurtful and insensitive that you often refer to women as "sluts". If you don't want to date someone who sleeps around fine, but the term slut is often used in a dehumanizing fashion, like this women deserves any abusive treatment (ranging from mild to severe) because she is a "whore". Please snap out of it guys. I really don't know where this attitude comes from in men (and even women) but I think that it comes from learned attitudes and a man's inner fear of femininity. Anyway, there have been some publicized rapes recently such as the one in India and the football team in Ohio. It is not surprising that some of the rapists wrote tweets referring to her as a "slut". What bothers me is the attitude that if someone is a "slut" they deserve to be sexually brutalized.

    1. "I really don't know where this attitude comes from in men (and even women) but I think that it comes from learned attitudes and a man's inner fear of femininity."

      It comes from (some) women being sluts. I am guessing you aren't one and so you can't believe that your fellow women behave this way, but some do. I am not saying that every time a commenter on this blog has referred to "sluts" he has been using the term appropriately, but there are women whom the term describes perfectly - the same way that some men are appropriately called "assholes."

    2. Hhmm, I would also question your use of the word "slut." I've read almost all your posts (they're great!) and as I understand it, you're saying women should avoid promiscuity not because this is immoral, but because due to biological/social/cultural reasons, promiscuous behaviour is not a good way to earn a man's respect and to get him into a long-term relationship. I.e. promiscuity is bad from a practical point of view and there is nothing intrinsically wrong with ‘sluttiness.’ Even if you think that women should act differently from men in order to preserve gender differences, you stated in your post on feminism that these gender differences are not necessarily permanent and that greater similarity between the sexes might not be a terrible thing.

      The term 'slut' connotes dirtiness and some kind of moral wrong on the part of the woman. I don't think this is a fair view, and it doesn’t even seem consistent with your view of feminism. I don't think it is the equivalent of the word 'asshole' - assholes merit the term by acting immorally, not by breaking social conventions (wherever these conventions come from). A ‘bitch’ would be closer to an asshole and I don’t think that many people (like myself) would object to its use the way they object to the use of the word ‘slut.’

      This comment became longer than I intended and it seems like a minor point, but I'm going to ask anyway because I do think that choice of words is important. All your posts seem to be consistently and logically founded on certain assumptions about gender roles etc, however I don’t see how using the term slut fits in with the rest. It would be interesting to hear your response to this! Keep up with your blog – I’ve enjoyed it a lot:)

  43. I think that since you are offering us women such insight into the man's perspective we should give back to you. So if you ever have questions about women you shoukd post them. I mean it sounds like you aren't lost but still you have the ears of many women who could probably teach you a thing or two. It would also be insightful for us to know the things that men are confused about.

  44. Would you consider writing a post on interfaith dating,I don't know if you have much experience of it but Id just like to read your viewpoint.Btw Im a Muslim girl dating a Christian guy in the UK.

    1. In fact I do have a very little experience with that myself, and I have some very good second-hand experience with that. The thing is that it isn't really within the scope of this blog. I suggest you send me an e-mail and I can try to help you there.

  45. Andrew, are you still going to write a post for increasing game for women in thier 30s? Time is of the essence..

  46. during sex, it smart for a woman to leave something on for a little contrast?

    1. I've always liked it when a woman is still partially clothed during sex. It draws more attention to her bared parts. But that is my opinion; I honestly don't know what the consensus is on this one.

  47. You should have a tab for links to other sites you think would be helpful for us to read.


  48. This site is superficial and boring. Obviously you, Andrew, cannot get married with all this in your head, so my advice to you is to "stop it" and lead an experiential life.

    That is all.


    1. I don't think this site is boring...

  49. First off, I this is the only blog I've ever followed. You manage to be straightforward without toeing the line of misogyny. You really understand women and I appreciate your candid perspectives.

    What do you think about money dynamics? i.e. paying for dinners in a long-term relationship, rent, gifts, and what works when the woman has more? Is it appreciated when the girl picks up a tab here and there or does that shift the power dynamic? I do this occasionally with my boyfriend and he usually objects/it feels awkward. But I can't help but feel bad after months full of expensive dinners and drinks.

  50. I want to thank you for this blog. I just discovered it not an hour ago.
    Your posts give such valuable advice. I just read the one about cutting a guy off after he has lost interest with you. You reiterated points I've always had at the back of my mind but was too much of a weakling to accept and carry through. Having the truth spelled out hurts, if I'm being honest...but so does living a lie. Reading that was the final kick into a wake up call I've needed for so long. I can't explain it, but you just helped me understand myself and the situation so clearly for the first time and I have this inexplicable feeling of relief and pride that yes. I'm walking away. And I'm a better person for it. Again, thank you!

  51. Can you write something about guys who are not affectionate with a girl in public/around friends, please?

  52. Hi Andrew,

    I enjoy reading your site. It has helped me a lot with adjusting my game since I was always looking for and taking advice from girlfriends rather than men.
    Now, below the post about "female game for girls in their teens" you mentioned working on a post about "Female Game for Girls in Their 30s (coming soon)". Being 31, I am very curious about this particular post. Any plans on publishing it soon?

    1. Please let us see it soon. x

    2. Very much agreed about finishing the 30+ post. Thank you for your time, Andrew.

  53. Hello Andrew,

    It would be great if you could write on the subject of male jealousy in a relationship.

  54. Andrew, I feel like your blog is the female dating equivalent to Biggie's "10 crack commandments" only there is more and it's even better. thank you!

    1. Seconded! And one of possessiveness, obsessiveness; close cousins of jealousy would be awesome too!
      Thanks Andrew, you the man!

  55. Is there a way to disable the Anonymous option from "Comment as?" If people have to use a name, it's a lot easier to keep track of who said what, and they don't actually have to use their real name.

  56. It is amazing how intelligent you are and how you are so amazing at observing the relationship between men and women. I myself have a situation where someone that I love, falls in and out of love with me (for years) and am trying to find that one reason why it happens. I fear she may just be crazy, with some sort of baggage, and as much as I know her, I will never understand. But I will keep reading and look for that *PING* that helps it make sense.

  57. How about pacing in a relationship.......I think that's the one thing that would be fun to hear from a male perspective. I think women get caught up in the heat of a new relationship but I think it can quickly fizzle out if she doesn't pace the relationship correctly. I'm not saying it's an exact science, but similar to not sleeping with a man on the first date (pacing), you probably shouldn't on the second either (pacing), you also shouldn't agree to see him every day (let's face it, an interested man can be over zealous), and when a woman is excited to see a new man, she should still give some spacing between dates, etc. Don't you agree?

  58. Thanks for this post it dose give me a better understanding of how to approach a shy guy. Although I myself is shy and this shy guy I like appears to like me but I don't have the guts to go and speak to him. I mean how is that suppose to work when both of us are shy and I believe he knows I like him just like I know he likes me, but neither of us has stepped up. And the sad thing about this whole situation is the first time I saw him..... well this is going to sound corny but true... well for me. It was as if a light bulb went off like he could be the one for me. I didn't understand it at first but each time I saw him I was like wow.... I find him more and more attractive each time. and I really want to start talking to him but like I said I'm shy as well.... So do you have any advice as to how I should or can go about this situation?

  59. You are an absolute knobber, but will continue to get incredible amounts of hits from women who are attracted to knobbers. Which is loads.

    Dumb down your intelligence, lose weight, and other vacuous shite about how we should be working so hard to impress you and your lot.

    When you say we know James Bond doesn't exist, you're certainly acting like you're all him and then some.

    I fear for women reading, and following, your advice!

  60. Hi Andrew,

    I'm a 32 year old (caucasian) woman from Europe and have read a lot of your posts and I have found them very helpful. I wondered if you would consider writing a post about the expat dating experience. I actually live in Singapore and, ideally I would prefer to date a caucasian man. However, a lot of the caucasian men here (the expat community is quite large but is still a minority) are interested in dating chinese women who have the advantage of being very petite, and extremely feminine in appearance. I am lucky as I have been told that I'm very attractive for a caucasian woman. The trouble is that I'm quite shy and awkward when it comes to the opposite sex and I think it's because (particularly here in asia) I feel self-conscious as being viewed as an object of sexual interest. My shyness/awkwardness together with the availability of attractive women here means that I have found it extremely difficult to date. I was dating an Indian man for a while but I feel that there is perhaps too much of a cultural gap between us for the relationship to have a long term future particularly because of his family. Do you have any advice for me?

    I also wanted to let you know that about the following blog which I read regularly and which may be of interest to you:- www.theseductivewoman.blogspot.com The author writes a newsletter called the art of being a feminine woman.

    Many thanks.

  61. Good one Francesca Collodo.. Andrew, with all due respect. Men like you have to stop being a being a super man and behave just like a normal MAN. because that all a clever/ sensible woman would want who can raise your kids well. Just stop being a jerk ; you dont have to learn about all the women in this world to find yourself a good wife; just go for it; everyone is good and will eventually find something good in you. 5-6 years is good enough to enjoy the company of women; come out of company and get in a relationship.

  62. can you write a little about keeping things going once you are IN a relationship?

  63. How about a post on how to tell whether a guy just wants to hang out as friends or whether he is into you. A lot of guys seem to hint at going out and expect you to run with that, is picking up on their hints and turning it into a concrete plan "initiating"? I like it when you give real-life examples in your posts.

  64. Here is a post idea for you- so, I live in the Bible Belt of the u.s. and most people are highly involved in one church or another. Most of the men I meet, regardless of where I meet them, profess strong faith. I however, am atheist. I can't move to a less religious state because I have worked for a long time trying to create a successful business here and simply picking up and leaving behind my friends, family and whole life wouldn't be easy. Do you have another suggestion on how to expand my dating circle? I'm an attractive, thin, intelligent, involved girl so it's not those things- I get people to date me right up until I tell them, as kindly and as openly as I can, that I am atheist. I emphasize that I respect their desire to believe and won't try to change them, but simply wish to say that I don't believe and be honest with them about where I am on the subject.

    The artful atheist.

  65. Hey, just wanted to say that I'm really looking forward to your post about dating as a virgin! :)

  66. How how many dates before sleeping with a guy? Also, can you comment on after sex etiquette.. Meaning days after.. who texts who.. especially since the upper hand is now in the guys hands.

    1. Used to be that a guy was supposed to phone the day after to thank the girl for sleeping with him. Text next day is probably OK nowadays for people under 30.

  67. So I appreciate this blog because I think it is interesting and its nice to get some of these perspectives from people other than my best guy friends who know basically nothing...

    In the nicest way I could possibly say this...I kind of think you might be a total misogynist douche bag. In most of your posts there is at least one thing that makes me do a double take and a "who the fuck is this asshole." I think that you kind of sound like you hate women. But I can't be so sure, sometime you sound like a total douche and other times you sound like a decent guy.

    I think that in certain circumstances you have maintained some old notions women that just shouldn't apply anymore. Alot of what I read sounded like a milder version of: "women should just sit down and shut the fuck up, learn their fucking place ... oh and get an a fucking treadmill". I think that guys who are have a problem with powerful or who aren't all about being whatever society dictates as "feminine" are small minded. And they are probably just not comfortable enough with themselves and feel that they have to ascribe to the hyper-masculine persona they think they are supposed to represent and when that isn't enough they feel the need to put a dainty little woman on their arm that makes them feel more masculine by comparison.

    Also just to be clear Im not some weird fugly feminist protestor (no offense to anyone), I just don't think that men should have a problem with strong minded women. And (just a tangent) I hate when out of shape or just plain ugly guys think that they have any right to judge girls on the way they look. I think attractiveness is way easier for guys to change than girls. It is easier to build muscle, getting ready/ dressing well take like a 5th of the effort and they have a naturally lower % body fat. Its such a turn off when I am in better shape than a guy im like "I worked for this body you need to learn where they gym is located or step off"

    Wow this sounds really bitchy. I think I am just in a shitty mood but the basics of what I am staying still stand.

  68. I love your blog! great perspective and insight.

    can you give your view on girls dating younger guys? what is it like for the younger guy? is it true that it never works out?

    Thank uuuuuu!

  69. I usually don't comment on blogs, nor do I read multiple articles. Anytime I time I am on a blog about the sexes and relationships I may find a few articles that are actually interesting. I am quite impressed by your stances on these topics. When most men write for women it is in the context of playing game. I have been saying for years that with feminism, women traded in their femininity for their sexuality. Then most women wonder why they are single, divorced, or only taken on a wild ride of a month long pseudo relationship. I hope you continue to write. Very good content.

  70. Please explain why men text pics of their dicks to women. I would really like to know what goes on in the male mind here.

    1. It's projection. Men want pictures of YOU naked, or YOUR genitals, so they assume that you'd want to see theirs too.

  71. The first weekend I spent with my now ex-girlfriend...she took it all off,and I was in such a surprised state,after not having it for nearly 7 years...I couldnt get myself to...get it up!!
    I cant elaborate what else happened,as its too personal for public publication,but,I can say this,she is stunning,and very well curved!...4 years later...her family literally broke us apart,because of more personal problems..some were to to with finances..and this area,seemed to have broken up her past marriage..We no longer see each other,as I was eventually seen as a ..."controller...abusive man...aggressive...amongst other verbals...I was even told,on some occasions,to "f..k off back to my home country"...thats way on down southern hemisphere..all this was doing my emotional side lots of damage..but I stuck it out,untill,I eventually... got up,and walked away,whilst we were having coffee,in a resturant...and she started to give me some "harshe verbals"...I had to go to work,as time was running out....but she took it that I had had enough..We are both in same town..but I just carry on,though I do still miss her,as I have forgiven her insults towards me..she wont forgive me....so some whom I know,have told me to ...move on....???? thanks for reading the truth....(moodylovechops)

  72. Can you do a post about dating as a virgin? I'm 23 and a virgin and I struggle with trying to reveal that I'm a virgin but NOT prude or religious. I just didn't meet the right guy. Also, virgin or not, how should a girl express she wants commitment before sex?

    Awesome blog

    1. He already did:


    2. awesome! I loved it.

      well can you at least answer my second q? And how should a girl state if she is a virgin or not in order to figure out who would stick around and who wouldn't?

  73. Hi Andrew!

    I'm Sophie, French, 28, I live in Paris and I just wanted to congratulate you for the amazing insights, really! They are actually much more than insights, applied analytics of the real-life dynamics between men and women. It's helped me a lot since I started reading your blog.

    Quick question and maybe an idea for a post as well. I have guy friends, mostly. Which doesn’t mean I act like a guy, quite the opposite actually, I love it and make it a point to dress and behave in a very feminine way, with latest fashion, high heels, sober make up, all with remaining classy at all times. I have girl friends too, but for some reason there’s always a part of competition between us so I’d say I’m having dinner nights out with girls, and wild nights out with boys. Hence, a very natural question: I do feel that men (outside the group, in the bar) notice me, quite often. But they rarely come talk to me. I feel it is mostly because I’m surrounded by men, and even if it’s just one or two guy friends sometimes, other men around would not dare approaching me.
    I read something that you wrote that was dealing with how girls must not try to act like they want to be friends with the guys they like, aka act like a guy sometimes to reach that objective. Well it’s not the place where I am at all, I’m actually just friends with some guys whom I’m not remotely interested in, going out with them, and would not mind other guys approaching me in bars.

    Would you have any advice for that ?

    1. I confess that part of the reason why I go out with them is that I like the way they regard me. I feel more special with them than when I am with the girls.

  74. I love your blog! Thank you for putting so much effort! Your advice has been very helpful. I have a suggestion for a topic: why do guys like to send the pictures of their penises to the girls? Every guy I have ever dated did this, regardless of the type of relationship we were in. All of my boyfriends did it time to time. I just think doing it really early into the relationship is a bit too much, plus, girls dont really get turned on by an erect penis picture, its rather on the "gross" side. Thoughts?

  75. Do you at least consult with your group of friends before basing such "straight-up" statements, or to try to eliminate bias, or are you just arrogant with your own experience and personal opinion on matters?

  76. Hi Andrew,

    Your blog is fantastic! There is just too much negativity from some posters. Constructive criticism on an article you wrote is one thing, but disrespecting you / bashing your opinion is appalling. So I'd suggest you to start screening comments before they can appear on this blog.

  77. Can you do a post about why men cheat? Yes, I know women are just as guilty, but I'm interested in why men do it...Thanks!

    1. There are lots of posts about this online already. Just Google it. You'll find more than enough reading material.

  78. Could you please do a post on how best to deal with your boyfriend's ex-girlfriend (emotional baggage)?

  79. Andrew, the new comments links on the left sidebar don't always work. Sometimes clicking the link takes you to the comment, sometimes it takes you to a particular page but not the actual comment (and the comment doesn't actually appear on that page). Also, I've noticed that 100% of a page's comments do not always appear, i.e., if you click to the page one way (i.e. via the comments sidebar) vs. clicking on the page link directly, certain comment are not appearing.
    Something funky going on.

  80. Please make a post about exactly how we know if a guy is physically attracted to us!

    Also, please talk more about interracial relationships and how minority girls can date white guys. How can we tell which ones are open to it, and where do we find them?

  81. Considering the power of the male sex drive... what if I were to have a threesome with my partner or husband.

    What are the advantages/disadvantages in regards to our relationship? Can I still remain the only woman he loves or would this be highly unlikely? Can another woman really just be for fun? Would it devalue our relationship or me in his eyes?

    The idea to initiate would be mine. Thank you.

  82. sexist, misogynistic, and grossly misinformed. it's terrifying that people are listening and accepting the bullshit you write on here. you represent every thing women struggle against. please stop.

    1. Is "sexist and misogynist" just an empty accusation, or did something specific make you think that? I am genuinely curious.

    2. @Andrew I too, am genuinely curious.

  83. there are no universal rules, there are only individuals who behave differently.

    your 'rules' can only be described as tendencies.

  84. Could you write a post on how to determine what league you're in/what you would rate as on the 10 scale? Many of your posts emphasize the importance of not playing below your league, and the importance of physical attractiveness, yet most women cannot accurately rate their own attractiveness. For example, is it reliable to rate your attractiveness on the quantity of men complimenting you, calling you "sexy", "gorgeous" etc.? Or are there better indicators for determining this?

  85. Hey Andrew,

    I was wondering if you could write an entry about confrontation. I'm not talking about extreme cases of confrontation, like abuse or safety-related issues, but more in the general sense. My question specifically is how do I tell a guy that I'm not enjoying his particular style of sex,etc, without completely wounding his ego and creating a "stress" point in the relationship. However, I'm sure whatever example you'd choose to write about confrontation would inevitably answer my question, but I wanted to at least provide you with an example.

    Also, I'd like to thank you for writing this blog. It allows me to refer friends to specific posts that explain why men fade out, etc, so I don't have to be the one delivering the harsh reality.

    Best regards,

  86. Hi Andrew,

    Your posts make feel queasy. I don't want to read enough of them to determine exactly why. If men truly do think and act as you suggest, which has not been my experience, then I will gladly wave your gender goodbye and embrace my vague attraction to females. However, all my experience with the people, men and women, that I've been close to over the years contradict your suggestions.
    You generalize and quantify many things, and I think some of these things you say could be harmful or misleading to women who think your word is law on men and relationships.
    I just hope anyone reading your stuff takes with a fucking huge grain of salt.

    1. I feel the same way. I started reading this blog thinking there was some really good, honest advice (which there is) but then I started digging deeper and it got too weird. The author is anal-retentive in his requirements for women and doesn't seem to realize that though most women do want to attract/please a man, we do have other desires and obligations in life. His ideal woman seems to be a literal Stepford wife.
      I'm going to continue to check it out every so often because I think there are bits of sense mixed in with the nonsense, but I will definitely be taking it with a "fucking huge grain of salt"!

  87. Hello
    I’ve just finished reading some of your blogs and felt compelled to write to you. Your blogs do give a woman an insight into the male way of thinking. But they also show me that you (and most men) don’t have an understanding of how a woman feels. In your words: “I've dated countless women and it has always amazed me how little they know about men. If nothing else, this blog is an outlet for voicing my astonishment at the typical female's ignorance of the male mindset.”
    But how much do you really know (or even care to know about women)? Do you know how a woman feels when she makes love to a man? It is completely different to how a man feels. For a woman it is a deep emotional connection, it isn’t just sex! Men can’t understand why woman become so emotionally involved with them after they’ve had sex. They don’t make the connection of why a woman seems emotionally attached to them after sex, yet they will still continue to ‘use’ a woman for as long as it suits them.
    Then there is the relationship. Throughout the relationship, the woman has hopes and dreams of how she would like the relationship to be. Why? Because she has grown up believing in fairy tales, and has always hoped to be married someday. Sometimes when a relationship ends, a woman will hope that she will get back with her ex because she is grieving for what she had hoped for! Not because he was the perfect partner for her (and she for him). This is truly one of the main reasons a woman wants to go back with a man. It’s not usually about a woman’s ‘ego’ or ‘trying to fix their wounded pride’ as you stated in your blog “Why do you want him back?” This sounds more like a man’s reason for wanting a woman back! Woman, on the other hand have a great need for love and affection. Yes they do want to know that a man does want to be with her (b). Why? I bet you can’t answer that question. The reason is that while growing up, a girl always looks to her father for love, affection, acceptance and approval. Her father is important in the household. So she grows into a woman who believes that in order for her to be worthy (or worthwhile) she needs love, affection, acceptance and approval from a man!
    It’s not that women have an ‘ignorance of the male mindset’. It’s a misunderstanding, and men misunderstand women just as much as women misunderstand men. Men and women are different and we will never completely understand each other. Men are much more shallow than woman. Woman, of course go deeper than a man could ever even begin to understand. If you really want to help women then you should try understanding them better and perhaps turn your ‘countless’ dates into one very important meaningful relationship with someone you love and who loves you in return.

  88. Hello. Have you ever come across heartiste.wordpress.com, and if so, what are your general thoughts on it?

  89. How about the importance of being paid less?

  90. Andrew, I have followed your blog for a long while and I feel there is one thing you haven't really mentioned but is critically important.

    HOW do men feel loved?


  91. Hi Andrew,

    I've enjoyed your posts for years and have had some success and some learning experiences. However, I was wondering if you give some advice for how and when to discuss commitment, long-term goals (marriage & kids) while dating. Seems like it's always an awkward thing to bring up, but it can be equally awkward and a waste of time not to discuss these things.



    1. Let me think about it a bit but I can probably do that

  92. I am a woman in my 30's, and after reading almost all of your articles obsessively for a week, I came to a realization. You are full of some wisdom, but mostly dangerous opinions (you know the saying about opinions and assholes), which cause unnecessary worry and insecurity in women of substance. Love is not a game, and every MARRIED person I speak with all attest that the rules didn't apply when it came to their relationship. Not every man thinks like you, thank god, and every person has the ability to discern their own wisdom. Your blog does more harm than good.

  93. Can you please, please do a post on the self proclaimed "strong, independent female"?

  94. I got separated from my husband 2 years ago. There was no communication between us. I was advised by families and friends to let go, forget the marriage and move on with my life. I didn’t want to marry someone else because deep down, I still love my husband. I was in so much pain and confused, until I read a testimony online on how Dr Odion reunion a broken marriage with the help of his love spell powers. I kept reading so many testimonies on how he helped to stopped divorce and bring back peoples ex-lover's to them, and my faith was renewed. I have to contact Dr Odion immediately, few minutes later, he replied and instructed me on what to do, after meeting up with the necessary requirement, 2 days later after he cast the spell, communication was restored between me and my husband. He actually knees pleading me to forget and forgive him. My relationship is now balance and my husband kept loving me every single day by day. His spells worked wonders and our relationship is now stronger then before, and nothing can separate us again. I visited so many website seeking for help, it looked hopeless, until I came in contact with Dr Odion the real man, who helped me to restore my broken marriage. If you're having similar problem in your marriage, you want your husband or wife to love you again, you have someone you love and you want him or her to love you in return, you are having any challenge in your relationship. Dr Odion SPELL TEMPLE is the solution and answer to your problem, contact him today via Email. odionspelltemple@gmail.com or Call or Whats-app him now +2347038832903..

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