Wednesday, July 4, 2012

What Men Think About Your Weight

Components of Feminine Beauty by Attention Deserved
When it comes to attracting men, your physical fitness matters - a lot. In another post I ranked it the single most important aspect of your external attractiveness to a man. Few men or women will deny this, and it isn't my point here to dispute the minority that does, or to belabor the point to those who already acknolwedge it (see point four below). Instead I want to point out a few things that women might not realize about their weight:

1. Shape matters more than size. We're all aware that some women seem to have great figures despite being a little larger than what most consider ideal. This is because a woman's proportions matter more than her overall weight; her shape matters more than her size. Her waist-to-hip ratio, or breast and butt shape or size relative to the rest of her body can be attractive to a man despite the fact that she is "overweight." Being concerned about your weight or BMI is important, but it is only half the picture. You will be able to get away with being a bit heavier than most if you have good curves. You won't be more attractive because you are heavier than most (i.e. you'd still look better if you slimmed down), but you don't need to do it to be attractive if you have the right shape. (Incidentally, in-shape black women blow away the competition when it comes to having great figures, which in most cases completely compensates for imperfect hair.)

2. Shape matters more than size - up to a certain point. There are limits to the above-described phenomenon. While it is difficult (if not impossible) to quantify "a certain point" in terms of weight or even BMI, I can say this instead: women like Nicki Minaj are pushing the limits already, and are able to to do because they have great proportions. You'd be unnecessarily harsh on yourself to judge your body based on weight alone, but some women recognize the above phenomenon, and then wrongly excuse their size based on comments from friends that they have a "Kim Kardashian ass" or a "Beyonce butt." Comments like this are usually made by friends who are more interested in making you feel good about yourself than accurately describing your figure. While occasionally they will be sincere, you should think twice and make a strong effort to be honest with yourself before believing them.

3. Men don't need Victoria's Secret models. In the same way that you don't need a guy who is as daring, strong, attractive and clever as James Bond, men don't need a woman with a perfect body to be aroused - even wildly aroused. Most of us know that the models we see in the media are unrealistic and only portrayed at their best (just like you know that men like James Bond don't really exist). Furthermore - and more importantly - a woman in the flesh is far more real and immediate than a woman on a screen or the page of a magazine, and this immediacy translates directly into sexual power. In this sense, the advantage that the "girl next door" has over these "fantasy girls" is huge. This happens to be one of the reasons that men don't fall more easily into pornography addiction, but it also means that what you consider severe inadequacies are really not as severe as you think.

4. Your complex about being overweight is more unattractive than being overweight. Yes, your weight matters, but freaking out about your weight is much less attractive to a man than a few extra pounds. Within reasonable limits, an unhealthy body is preferable over an unhealthy mind. Obviously if you are pushing 300 lbs, no one will take the time to appreciate your healthy mind; but if you get to 110 lbs only by taking becoming obsessive about your weight, you aren't doing yourself a favor. As physically attractive as a girl might be, being bulimic (or otherwise anorexic) is so internally unattractive that she will always struggle to keep men, even if she doesn't struggle to attract them initially.

5. Your figure is significantly defined by your posture. If you get down to the perfect shape and size, you can still fuck it up entirely by having bad posture. Likewise, if your figure isn't perfect, you can still get the most out of it by improving your posture and holding yourself as well as you can. To this end, high heels will be your best friend.

6. You won't lose weight unless you want to. I am a firm disbeliever in laziness. Instead, I believe in knowledge and preferences: lazy people aren't people who lack the ability to motivate themselves to do things that everyone accepts as "good" or "right"; they are people who have different priorities, either due to ignorance or a differing opinion. A woman who works out all the time values her long-term fitness more than the short-term pleasure she gets from muching on snacks all day, or feeling full at mealtimes. If you struggle with managing your weight, it could be because you don't care what you look like (to some degree). But more than likely, it is because (a) you don't realize how much benefit you'd get from being thinner, or (b) you are short-sightted, such that you see more value in the short-term pleasures you get from eating than in the long-term pleasure of being in shape. Once you realize how much your weight matters when it comes to getting what you want in life (i.e. a man), or look into the future far enough to see that you will never be attractive unless you sacrifice the momentary comfort of satisfying your apetite completely, your priorities will shift, and you will spend more of your energy on your fitness - willingly.

7. Cardio isn't everything. If you want to lose weight you need to burn calories, running or using the elliptical machine is not the best way of doing this. Weight training burns essentially the same amount of calories, but also increases your metabolism for about an hour after your workout, which then continues to burn an additional 25 percent of the calories you burned during the weight training itself. Not to mention weight training is a much better way to shape and tone your body. Girls almost categorically avoid weights, and they are retaining pounds because of it.


  1. Great post. I'm in the category of having extra weight by bmi standards, but have excellent proportions and I am aware that men are very attracted to my body. I have more confidence than my skinnier girlfriends because of this awareness. Thanks for sharing this with other women, I wish I had.

    1. You missed the part where you would still be more attractive if you were thinner.

    2. Not necessarily - most women's proportions change with weight change. This girl might lose all her breasts if she lost weight, but keep the lower body weight. Or lose weight from her curves but have her waist stay the same size, thus becoming a straight stick. I have a nice figure and it's only because I keep myself about 5kgs overweight, so I get a more hourglass figure.

    3. nonymousMarch 17, 2015 at 2:07 AM
      I am ultra feminine, sexy, and very pretty....guys notice me all the time...I am athletic and healthy-with an awesome hourglass figure.....BUT let's be real no?
      When I was 30+ pounds lighter with a tan and dyed blonde hair men drooled, my guy friends wanted to be with me and my ex-even though he now realizes that all came via an eating disorder still talks about how good I looked back then.......
      Skinny----is what men want UNLESS they take the time to get to know a woman...
      p.s. big natural breasts ARE AMAZING! Thank you Drake for encouraging women to keep them!

    4. Here's a empowering thought... who the hell cares when men think about our weight? We should do what we want to do. If I want to starve myself into looking like an Olsen twin, I'll damn well do it despite what any man thinks.

    5. No man forces a woman to think about losing weight. It would just help to attract a man or make a man notice you more. That's all. That's biology. Do what you want, but looking good is always going to be something you have to direct attention to sometime down the line, as it affects everyone's life in most of the important aspects, like presentability. Looking good ALWAYS ALWAYS trumps the taste of pizza, no matter how fitting and satisfying it was to give in to the smell and sight of a slice.

    6. i am ERIC BRUNT by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my wife after three(3) years of marriage just because another Man had a spell on her and she left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a man had a spell on my wife and he told me that he will help me and after 3 days that i will have my wife back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my wife. Thanks for helping me Dr Akhere contact him on email:

      i am ERIC BRUNT by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my wife after three(3) years of marriage just because another Man had a spell on her and she left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a man had a spell on my wife and he told me that he will help me and after 3 days that i will have my wife back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my wife. Thanks for helping me Dr Akhere contact him on email:

    7. i am ERIC BRUNT by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my wife after three(3) years of marriage just because another Man had a spell on her and she left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a man had a spell on my wife and he told me that he will help me and after 3 days that i will have my wife back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my wife. Thanks for helping me Dr Akhere contact him on email:

      i am ERIC BRUNT by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my wife after three(3) years of marriage just because another Man had a spell on her and she left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a man had a spell on my wife and he told me that he will help me and after 3 days that i will have my wife back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my wife. Thanks for helping me Dr Akhere contact him on email:

    8. My names are Ashley Vivian, Am here to share a testimony on how Dr Raypower helped me. After 1/5 year relationship with my boyfriend, he changed suddenly and stopped contacting me regularly, he would come up with excuses of not seeing me all the time. He stopped answering my calls and my sms and he stopped seeing me regularly. I then started catching him with different girls several times but every time he would say that he love me and that he needed some time to think about our relationship. But cannot stop thinking about him so i decided to go online and i saw so many good talk about this spell caster called Dr Raypower and i contact him and explain my problems to him. He cast a love spell for me which i use and after 24 hours, my boyfriend came back to me and started contacting me regularly and we moved in together after a few months and he was more open to me than before and he started spending more time with me than his friends. We eventually got married and we now have been married happily for 3 years with a son. Ever since Dr Raypower helped me, my partner is very stable, faithful and closer to me than before.You can also contact this spell caster and get your relationship fix Email: or see more reviews about him on his website:  and  WhatsApp: +1 (424) 330-8109

      My names are Ashley Vivian, Am here to share a testimony on how Dr Raypower helped me. After 1/5 year relationship with my boyfriend, he changed suddenly and stopped contacting me regularly, he would come up with excuses of not seeing me all the time. He stopped answering my calls and my sms and he stopped seeing me regularly. I then started catching him with different girls several times but every time he would say that he love me and that he needed some time to think about our relationship. But cannot stop thinking about him so i decided to go online and i saw so many good talk about this spell caster called Dr Raypower and i contact him and explain my problems to him. He cast a love spell for me which i use and after 24 hours, my boyfriend came back to me and started contacting me regularly and we moved in together after a few months and he was more open to me than before and he started spending more time with me than his friends. We eventually got married and we now have been married happily for 3 years with a son. Ever since Dr Raypower helped me, my partner is very stable, faithful and closer to me than before.You can also contact this spell caster and get your relationship fix Email: or see more reviews about him on his website:  and  WhatsApp: +1 (424) 330-8109

    9. I never believed i would be healed from HIV someday. And I have been taking some medication from my doctor and there was no improvement. Few weeks ago i came on search on the internet if i could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search i saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from (HSV 2 and Cancer) by this Man Dr Sayo and she also gave the contact of this man and advise we should contact him for
      any sickness that he would be of help, so i wrote to Dr Sayo telling him about my (Hiv virus ) he told me not to worry that i was going to be cured!! hmm i never believed it, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man
      few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as Dr, Sayo assured me that i have cured,after some time i went to my Doctor to confirmed if i have be finally healed, behold! it was TRUE, So friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all
      you can reach Dr Sayo on his email, (sayoherbalhealer@gmail com) .....ALL THANKS TO GOD FB page check blog:

      I never believed i would be healed from HIV someday. And I have been taking some medication from my doctor and there was no improvement. Few weeks ago i came on search on the internet if i could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search i saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from (HSV 2 and Cancer) by this Man Dr Sayo and she also gave the contact of this man and advise we should contact him for
      any sickness that he would be of help, so i wrote to Dr Sayo telling him about my (Hiv virus ) he told me not to worry that i was going to be cured!! hmm i never believed it, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man
      few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as Dr, Sayo assured me that i have cured,after some time i went to my Doctor to confirmed if i have be finally healed, behold! it was TRUE, So friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all
      you can reach Dr Sayo on his email, (sayoherbalhealer@gmail com) .....ALL THANKS TO GOD FB page check blog:

      I never believed i would be healed from HIV someday. And I have been taking some medication from my doctor and there was no improvement. Few weeks ago i came on search on the internet if i could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search i saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from (HSV 2 and Cancer) by this Man Dr Sayo and she also gave the contact of this man and advise we should contact him for
      any sickness that he would be of help, so i wrote to Dr Sayo telling him about my (Hiv virus ) he told me not to worry that i was going to be cured!! hmm i never believed it, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man
      few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as Dr, Sayo assured me that i have cured,after some time i went to my Doctor to confirmed if i have be finally healed, behold! it was TRUE, So friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all
      you can reach Dr Sayo on his email, (sayoherbalhealer@gmail com) .....ALL THANKS TO GOD FB page check blog:

  2. It's worth noting that most women fall into two body shape/fruit groups: pear shape or apple. A pear shape gains weight on hips, upper thighs and butt. They have slim arms and small breasts. An apple gains weight on the upper body - arms, breasts and stomach. Their butt is small or flat, hips are narrow. A small group of women are like a banana, straight up and down.
    Both body shapes are unattractive if the woman is fat, an apple looks masculine with heavy arms and tummy fat, a pear shape looks bottom-heavy and very non-athletic. Most celebrities can work with whatever shape they have, with a good diet, the right exercise and plastic surgery. The 'hourglass' shape some celebrity women has is often a pear shape combined with breast implants.
    Kim K is (or was, originally) a pear shape. Scarlett Johansson and Jessica Simpson are both apples.

    I think most women need to accept and embrace their shape and learn to work with it.
    Victoria's Secret models are lucky to have beautiful faces and long legs, but they have apple or pear shapes just like everybody else, and they've made the very best of it.

    1. I am definitely a natural hour-glass shape or curvy, I have boobs, hips and my waist is small so I have to disagree.

    2. Yep, I'm also a natural hourglass. From the front I have shoulders slightly wider than my hips, so there is no way I could be a pear shape, plus I gain weight in my waist last and I never lose my hourglass shape, so no way I could be an apple shape.

    3. I like to think of the two main body shapes as an 8 or an S.
      I am an S because I am narrow with a bum that curves out at the back, and even at a low weight I don't have a completely flat stomach.
      I have friends who are bigger than me, even managing to be overweight with a flat stomach because their hips are wider. These would be the 8s, even if the lower o is larger than the upper o

    4. Bullshit baffles brains.

      I'm on the losing side of a thyroid war, and my meds have to be kicked up. I can go 4 weeks at zero calorie intake and lose - 2.5lbs. Sucks.

      Before shifting into Oprah Light mode when the meds kick in - about three months from now - I work with what I have.

      I am overweight, but the frame is pretty good and the map and hair are above average. Focus on

      better clothes (ones that can be taken in ;) )
      and of course, shoes.

      I am too old to mention in this column, and in fact should have been turned into Soylent Green a long time ago. But I am a breather, and a badass one at that. I cannot, and will not, compare myself to other women.

      But I sure as hell watch men's reactions.

      Works, Definitely.

      Attractive women come in all sizes - and ages.

    5. You go, Woman!!! Good for you! I had a date with a man 10 yrs my senior (I am 63). He looks like a bean pole & was ridiculously weird looking in his baggy white 'old men' underwear. Yet he still had the gall to inform me that he didn't want to date again because he thought I would be "athletic and toned but I'm overweight". I am 10 lbs overweight according to medical guidelines. I informed this "gentleman" (not!) that I am not losing weight for any damn man & if I lose weight it's going to be for MYSELF. You men who post on here about what you want in your woman should take a good look at yourself. Pretty is as pretty does. What's on the inside is what counts. Yes, gross obesity is just that--gross. But for women who are not grossly obese, you men should shut the fuck up and stay in your own little fairy world. And for all you young lovelies on here who are bragging about your svelte figures--wait until you get in your 50's and 60's and see where your bragging goes. Enjoy it while it lasts. If you get one of these men who love only the great figures most of you are bragging about, then when you get in your 50's and up, he's going to still be looking for that hot little thing that you USED to be. Yes, I was skinny and hot in my younger years, too but youth is fleeting. You need to understand that now. My husband passed away in the past year, and he loved me NO MATTER WHAT. Now, that's the definition of a REAL man!!!

    6. I'm also an hourglass, I have natural breasts. They aren't huge or anything (I'm a C cup) but my measurements are 34-24-36. I would say my body type is very similar to Marilyn Monroe

  3. I don't believe the apple and pear shape exclusivity is true. I am a natural hour glass, with no fake implants and I know I'm not alone in this body type. When I gain weight I gain it proportionally and losing the same thing.

  4. This is refreshing. There is so much emphasis on weight in the Manosphere that I worry I should be trying to lose weight. Since discovering Paleo I'm lighter than I've ever been and have bounds of energy, but this association of femininity and frailty haunts me.

    I will never look frail. If I bust my ass, I might get the perfectly flat belly and thighs that don't touch, but I won't look frail. Instead I'll just keep working toward my 23:00 5k, and do fun things like Salsa and CrossFit.

    It also doesn't hurt that I've got a hard-working, fit dude who can't keep his hands off me, and that's one hell of an argument to the contrary.

  5. I greatly prefer the athletic look in a woman. A little bit of muscle on a woman goes a long way. I don't like a huge flabby butt like Nicki Minaj's. However, a round and muscular butt is very attractive on a woman.

    Women should also work out their upper bodies instead of simply jogging. A lot of men are attracted to a woman's shoulders - a woman with square shoulders and a good posture is hard not to notice.

  6. Thanks for this post. I do wonder though how much a woman can change her shape naturally. There are fewer women today who have true hourglass figures. Dr Cate Shanahan (Deep Nutrition: Why your Genes Need Traditional Food) suggests this is because most females are born with inadequate nutrition. We're all getting enough calories but not enough nutrition. Her ideas are fascinating.

    Re calories in - calories out: you might like to read Gary Taubes' Good Calories Bad Calories. It is a dense book in which he argues that all calories are not equal. My understanding (limited I might add) is that the body is not a closed system whereby the rules of thermodynamics can happen in a linear fashion. There was a nice discussion about this with Zoe Harcombe over at Underground Wellness:

    What are your thoughts on women using plastic surgery to achieve a better proportioned body? I don't like fake bosoms. To me they look odd; particularly on women who are very slim straight up and down. And what about the athletic look? Serena Williams has an amazing hour glass shape but for many her assets are rather generous. There is a growing trend for more muscle definition and strength for women. I must say I think this is a great look for women:


    1. Agreed that plastic surgery looks bad in many cases, but I've seen it done well - normally this is when it is done by a good doctor and in such a way that it compliments the girl's look.

      As for the girls with muscles - hell no. Every guy I've ever talked to about women with muscles like the ones in the pics (particularly the second link) has said unequivocally that they are disgusting.

    2. Ha Ha! There are lots of men fawning over these women. Admittedly they are men who are into strength training. Perhaps you need to speak with a wider variety of men.

    3. I have a low body weight and also low body fat percentage and lift heavy weights, and at 58 years old date guys in their 30's so, yes, muscle is in and this is what women are missing out on to keep young looking. Strength training is an absolute must for a woman to maintain her youth.

    4. When plastic surgery is done well, you never notice- only when something goes wrong. You might notice the person looking more refreshed, relaxed, sweeter, happier, prettier... but not that she had work done. Even if you had a big hump on your nose filed down, sometimes you have to point it out for others to notice.

      Most plastic surgery patients remark that initially they were afraid others would notice, but in reality very few do... even their own mothers, spouses... etc..

      I am very familiar with this topic, having done work myself.

  7. I haven't read it but has a free(?) ebook f*** calories which sounds interesting.

    Sorry for the double post

  8. Did you change the background to white or is my laptop just fucking up? Hmmm I prefer blue....

  9. The Victoria Secret girls vary a bit in shape as well. Some of the girls, like Candice Swanepoel, have great hip to waist ratios, whereas others are very straight up and down.
    Some say VS models are too skinny (mostly women). Do you think the VS look is popular enough among men that it is worth pursuing for women? (working towards it, I know it takes a lot to get a body like that).

    1. Yes, most VS models are rulers and have small breasts. Not saying they look bad at all, just pointing it out.

      Which brings me to the next point...

      Why is there an assumption that women worry about being too fat?

      Some of us are thin & hear day in & day out how men don't really like thin women. It might comfort me to know that tall, thin VS models were actually an ideal, but people (including men) will insist they are not, saying that they are really too thin & may even use degrading terms like "boyish" to describe them. This is true even when they have tiny, defined waists.

  10. I like the new background :)

  11. Andrew,

    What do you think of the faces and figures of the women in this survey? They're officially plus-size models, but they cover a range of weights (American size 12 to size 22). I think Kailee O'Sullivan (one of the thinner girls, and coincidentally very similar to Karen Gillan despite being shorter and heavier) is pretty, but I wanted at least one male perspective. Clicking on a model's name leads to more pictures of her.

  12. Andrew,

    I should provide some context about the plus-size model survey, above. The male webmaster argues (1) that heavier women are the most attractive, both aesthetically and sexually, (2) that all heterosexual men secretly agree with (1), and (3) that before the 20th century all heterosexual men openly agreed with (1), which made their societies better aesthetically and morally. Is he right?

    Here he argues that heavy figures are more natural (in a good way):

    Here he argues that belly fat is attractive:

    Here he argues that the Victorians found heavier women more attractive:

    Here he argues that feminine clothes look better on heavier women:

    Here he argues by analogy that since voluptuous hair is more beautiful (which one of your posts definitely agrees with), voluptuous figures are better too:

    Here he argues that preference for plus-size beauty goes hand in hand with traditional aesthetics and values:

    Here he argues that heavier women look better on the runway:

    Here he argues that Kim Kardashian's former sister-in-law Kaela Humphries was more attractive than KK because KH weighed more:

    And since Victoria's Secret models came up, here he argues that VS model Doutzen Kroes looks better with slightly more weight:

    What all these links add up to in the end, though, is a verification of your original post's points 1 and 2. I think, though, that the models in the links illustrate your points better than Nicki Minaj does.

  13. I hear men talk about "great proportions", but I'm not sure if they are being for real. Don't they just often mean big boobs on a relatively slim frame?
    Kate Upton has been celebrated as a new sex bomb, some even say "ideal shape", and she has no hip/waist ratio at all?

    1. Big boobs and relatively slim frame definitely helps, but it isn't the whole story.

      Kate Upton is hot because of her face primarily. I've heard a LOT of guys talk about how she really isn't that hot. In fact, it is almost a controversy among men, which I believe boils down to some guys not realizing that she is hot "in spite of" having a mediocre figure, not "because of it"

    2. I'm Swedish, and I never found Kate that hot. She's cute - but I see blonde girls with that type of face ALL the time. Most of my friends think she's completely average. They're more likely to admire girls like Adriana Lima / Brazilian models.

      One thing you haven't talked about much regarding female attractiveness is that your "value" depends on where you are on what type of other females you're surrounded by. Blondes are exotic in some countries (and I think seen as "bimbos" in the US?), latin women in others.
      Regardless of exotic appeal, I think I can say that girls in Russia, East Europe, Finland and Scandinavia are more physically attractive than in many other countries. Girls will usually also be hotter in bigger cities. Those countries also have 10x as many attractive women as men. So single women should have this in mind if they relocate.

    3. I personally am WAY more into mediterrenean looking women (dark complexion, olive skin) than blondes, so I disagree with you. It is pretty hard to argue that there is one race or look that is "objectively" hotter than others. It's like arguing that classical music is objectively better than rap or bluegrass. It all comes down to taste.

    4. Yes my point was more so that what is 'exotic' to one country is more common in another. A blonde will be exotic where men are used to Mediterranean girls and vice versa.

      Regarding East Europe and Russia, I think many find women in those countries attractive simply because they have more of a culture where they take care of themselves (they are not feminist). I'm not saying that fair features are better, I think the reason is that some of these countries have much less obesity / healthier lifestyles than the US.

  14. funny you mention Niki Minaj as an example of "overweight yet shapely". everything on her is fake, from her fat unjected wider hips, thighs and big ass, to the enhanced breast. she was merely average in the figure department before she went Hollywood. then again, she is right where she needs to be in the eyes of the black community. we tend to worship at the church of the "extreme hourglass". it's never been about weight, just how a woman wears it and is it in the right places.

    that said, ALOT of girls - black and white - do try and get over by assuming that because they have big breast or a fat ass that they are sexy when in fact they are just fat.

    1. In total agreement here. Just an excuse to be a potato chip/couch athlete and guys buy right into it.

  15. What do men think of small flaws like stretchmarks or cellulite on an otherwise perfect body? Some of these things can be extremely difficult to improve no matter how many hours you clock in at the gym.

    1. I just answered a girl who asked about this in the comments to the "About This Blog" page. She was asking about a scar but the same rule applies: play up your strengths and play down your weaknesses. If bare legs, or the area around your stretch marks is more attractive than the cellulite or stretch marks are attractive, cover them up until you get to know they guy better, then reveal them in a gradual way.

      There are some creams and technologies for reducing stretch marks. You should at least look into those.

    2. Most women have stretch marks. Even some VS models. Stretch marks fade over time, in order to accelerate the fading process, then you will have to invest in good moisturizers (not the cheap watered down type) and try to moisturize the area at least twice a day.

      I got stretch marks during puberty and my grandmother got me into the habit of moisturizing and now I can wear a bikini at the beach and no one notices unless I point them out. Sometimes I have to manipulate the skin around the area to see them. They are still there, but they're almost invisible now. I am black and stretch marks are even more noticeable on darker skin. But now I don't have to worry about stretch marks because I took care of it.

    3. If a guy is turned off by your stretch marks tell him to take a hike...thats seriously so shallow.

    4. I was really thin growing up so even 10+ lbs added I had stretch marks on my legs.

      It used to be a problem when I didn't dare wear shorts or dresses as I was growing up [middle school I believe]

      Honestly, it's your body, who is to say you can't wear what you wear?

      I started wearing shorts and tanks when I was going to college. I have always avoided it in high school [not that I could wear that at school.]

      Surprisingly, the majority of the guys didn't realize it! I even got praised for how nice my skin was until I pointed out to him, "Look at this!" lmao

      I think it's all the confidence with your skin. I have been told confidence is what makes a woman attractive by a lot of the guys. I just laugh at him and said, "It's not confidence hon. It's simply because I don't care what ya think anymore."

      You can choose to be confident about yourself or simply choose not to care. I think the latter is so much easier, given that we are never 100% confident unless we achieve that magazine cover image [which is bs.]

  16. I actually cannot praise weights enough. For years I was extremely unhappy with a few aspects of my body (ass being the big one- no shape)but since I have started weight training I have noticed a significant difference. Others have too ;). I also do boxing, swimming and tennis (for fun) but it's the weights that have produced results.

  17. Hi Andrew!

    Thank you for all the insights on this blog.

    Regarding point 8, you may find these two videos interesting.

    Regards from Europe!

    1. I watched some of these... interesting stuff.

  18. Andrew, keep in mind your graph is entirely subjective. I would place different importance on girls' features. For example, I'm big on hair, and would also place more importance on breasts, and have a much different definition of a good body. Being very athletic myself, I place more importance on a toned athletic body. For example, the chick (probably famous or something) in the picture above might be a 7, but I'd probably think of her as a 6-6.5 . The hair is a big issue and I don't like the body type, etc.

  19. What are your thoughts on breasts? If a woman has naturally large sagging breasts, but does not want to get surgery to lift them, and she is between mid-20s and mid-30s, how likely is this to be a mark against her in the dating arena?

    Are sagging, "imperfect" breasts a deal-breaker?

    Also, what about fake breasts/implants?

    In most cases, large implants look absolutely horrible. I rarely see them look great, because the patient chooses to go way to large for their frame and body type, among other things. Their breasts come out looking very unnatural-looking, the nipple and areola placement is often way too high, and the shape and spacing of the breasts turn out as botched jobs, looking nothing like naturally large breasts.

    I am surprised that any surgeon can proudly sign off on any of this "work" once the patience is off the table, has completely healed, and can begin walking around "donning" the failed work. It's like walking around showing off your friend's failed science experiment.

    I think most surgeons, in that case, are far too concerned about making money, than doing honorable, quality, and natural-looking work -- work they can and should be proud of, given that a patient choose to go the cosmetic route for beauty enhancement.

    Also with breast lifts, women can lose a lot of sensation in their nipples, which is a wonderful erogenous zone to have, and one that a naturally sensitive-nippled woman would hate to lose. Scarring often occurs underneath and around the woman's breasts after these surgeries, which is usually semi to fully permanent, and of course, the woman puts herself at risk by simply going under the knife.

    What are your thoughts on this aspect of feminine aesthetics?

    1. Of course 'imperfect' breasts are not a dealbreaker.. That's like asking if your legs/butt/stomach has to be "perfect" for you to get a boyfriend. Nobody has a perfect everything.

      Surgery is a personal choice. Nobody "needs" it to find a partner, but then again, I think very few think that way (majority of women who get them done are already above average in terms of attractiveness). It's just a matter of improving oneself.
      Sounds like you want to justify that boob jobs are horrible and unnecessary. It might not be something you want for yourself, but each to their own. If your surgeon is excellent, they look pretty great. I had mine done by a no 1 surgeon. There is no visible scarring, they feel and look natural and I have the same nipple sensitivity as before (they usually don't go through the nipples to place the implants). In other words, you get what you pay for.
      I would never advice a girl to get surgery due to lack of attention from men though. If you're lacking in that department, you probably need to improve your overall appearance and/or personality.
      Either way, your breasts shouldn't really matter. They are the way they are, and you are clearly anti surgery, so what is there to discuss?

    2. I pretty much agree with that reply.

    3. If you reread my post, it is not -definitively- anti-surgery. It is specifically anti BAD surgery. I have nothing against others getting cosmetic surgery as an option, only that they understand the risks involved and make their decisions wisely, especially not under the context of social duress. Going under the knife is always a risk, of course.

      Breasts are something that a lot of women complain about or are obsessed about -- whether they are big enough (in some cases, small enough), perky enough, the right color, the right symmetry, the right look, and so forth. And although not all men are breast men, some men have quite an interest in the appearance and subject of breasts, too.

      I have a friend who had a partial mastectomy, and has received several rounds of reconstructive surgery from a reputable cosmetic surgeon on the Westside. She is in remission, but dating can be quite difficult for her, now. She must mention her cancer history to weed out men who are not suitable, and eventually tell them about scarring and the like. If I'm to be completely objective, she's rather attractive, otherwise, and has a great figure she keeps up with. But breasts are a big deal in the dating arena. That's what I tell her and this is what she also realizes, whether she likes it or not.

      Since this blog entry is about the subject of appearance, I was curious as to how the blogger would address this subset of the appearance issue.

      One of my statements was about how unnatural most -larger- breast implants look, which is a valid perspective. If larger implants are to be done well, they need to take on some naturalized elements, so that it suits the woman and looks plausible, especially for her build. I always support cosmetic surgeons doing quality work to keep the standards and integrity high over making quick money, especially as someone working in the medical field, as well. We need more doctors who stand by quality and integrity in their careers.

      There is nothing in my post that literally indicates this absolute statement: "Sounds like you want to justify that boob jobs are horrible and unnecessary." Especially the "horrible" part.

      I can only gather that you took offense to my post personally, because you've chosen to get implants and feel you've been lumped in with my descriptions of bad surgeries and therefore must defend, which is unnecessary. If your implants look great, then that's certainly a good thing. Nothing more to be said on that end.

      As for the possible loss of nipple sensitivity, you'll notice that is in reference to breast lifts, not breast implants. Some women might be concerned about those trade-offs, should they decide to go for this particular type of surgery, and thus should be aware of them.

      There are 4 popular procedures used for breast lift surgeries, and scarring often occurs in and around the nipple/areola areas, since incisions are made, and transferring is done to adjust the nipples and areolae to the new location of the breast tissue. Nerves can be severed and/or reconnected, so that can lead to varying degrees of loss of nipple sensitivity.

    4. I am not offended by the fact that there are done many bad surgeries. Women's opinions on implants are not important to me either.

      What struck me was that you asked of his (aesthetic) opinion on implants and then went on about the risk and how many bad surgeries are done. Everybody knows the risk, and it does not change men's opinion on a (good) result. There is no need to mention how many bad boob jobs are being done, it won't influence a man's opinion on the ones he's actually seen. It's only a important as to whether you should actually go through with it - a decision a man cannot be part of. If you are seriously considering it, you should visit forums like, where women exchange experiences and give advice.
      What breasts look like after surgery depends entirely on what they looked like before surgery. Men's opinions on how "vain" or "unnecessary" it is, vary so much that one man's opinion won't matter. And - like I said - the risk is for you to deal with only, so there is no point trying to influence his advice with examples of bad results.

    5. Here's the bottom line: nobody needs any man's permission or opinion to get any kind of plastic surgery they desire, or to 'get' a partner. There's a foot for every shoe, or a shoe for every foot, either way, everyone looks for their 'type', whatever that might be.
      Ladies [or gents]-get whatever kind of enhancement floats YOUR boat. I did and don't regret it for a moment.

  20. What would you say is the correct BMI for a woman..for instance..I am 5ft 4..but if I am a BMI say 24 (which is still within the healthy range) I'd be definitely looking like I'm beginning to gain serious weight. So even though it is a healthy BMI, it looks shit.

    Also, I'd imagine the ideal BMI for a woman over 30-35 to be slightly higher than the BMI she held in her thirties because the face suffers with a low BMI..the face loses weight with age so you have to manage a slightly higher weight in order to maintain a level of "freshness".

    1. "Also, I'd imagine the ideal BMI for a woman over 30-35 to be slightly higher than the BMI she held in her thirties because the face suffers with a low BMI"..

      twenties, I meant.

    2. I honestly have no idea. I have no gauge of BMI.

      Ideal is obviously somewhere in the ballpark of actresses and supermodels, but it varied from guy to guy. You shouldn't need to split hairs over numbers like this: work out regularly and diet well until you are PROUD of the way you look, not just "OK with it."

    3. Not necessarily true. I have a BMI of 18 and in my late 50's look much younger because I have worn sunscreen everyday since 29; that's the difference.

  21. I think Christina Hendricks from Mad Men and Nigglla Lawson are great examples of shapley women with sex appeal. If you Have ever been to a burlesque show you will see girls with a little extra really working it. Some of the girls in burlesque are overweight but they have an attitude and allure that make them attractive. One mans five is a another muse i guess.

    1. Christina Hendricks is attractive because she has a cute face, feminine and gentle body language, great posture and sweet voice. In Mad Men she is always dressed in heels and dresses that suck in her waist and works well on her curves. If you see pictures of her in a bathing suit or just regular jeans and a top (or anything other than a dress, tbh), she looks a lot less appealing. In pictures without makeup and flat shoes, I'd say she is a 2-3. So there is no doubt she is attractive in spite of her weight. Some women can make it work with a lot of effort, but IMO, CH should definitely lose weight (and I am sure she will if she's going to keep getting work after Mad Men).

    2. Hendricks is a 2-3 IRL situations? Wow, internet anonymity really does give people a warped sense of reality. If CH was in front of the average man I'm sure 9.9 out of 10 he would take her...



      This may be the norm in the US, but to the rest of the world it is fat.

    4. Of course her breasts are big, but fancying this size is a fetish.

    5. woah in what country are you talking about? In most countries outside the us a little weight is considered normal, while super skinny is out of the norm. In the US everybody is about extremes it seems. It seems a women can not be a normal size and feel okay. And I mean normal, i mean normal, no belly, bit of ass and thighs, without feeling bad about it.
      CH does not look "fat" in that picture. Most women put in a lot of effort in making themselves attractive to men. You can take the hottest women in the world, but she will look different dressed down and without makeup. I am sorry I love being girl but I am not going to be on call 24-7.

    6. Not a 2-3, but above average because she has a pretty face, nice demeanor & boob job. Certainly not a 9-10.
      I agree about her figure being unappealing in reality. With girdles/spanx & retouching they make her look curvy instead of apple that she is. Check candid side shots of her, even with the girdle - big, projecting belly that makes her look pregnant. Without the girdle, she has no definable waist.

  22. is true that shape matters more than size, I always catch guys looking at me, even when I'm with friends that are skinny and some heavy but they don't really have that hour glass shape..sometimes they do get attention but often I find after me the one that more attention is the heavier friend and I think is because of her personality plus she has a pretty face and one of the other ones is all skinny no boobs no butt and can only get guys to approach her when shes wearing super slutty clothes..the other one we go out with is tall,long legs,big boobs,no butt,and not pretty but guys seem to like her although I think is because she goes flirting w them and guys just prefer something that is ready for them..

  23. It is important to remember that the use of prescription drugs and some herbal drugs cause weight gain. (I had it happen when I used herbal St. John's Wort, an antidepressant.) Huge numbers of people are using antidepressants nowadays, and other drugs such as blood pressure medications, almost all of which frequently cause severe and extreme weight gain. However, if you are using any antidepressants, do not quit them suddenly or go 'cold turkey,' because antidepressant withdrawal is extremely dangerous and causes people to do terrible things like committing suicide. People who are using drugs should not blame themselves for their weight gain.

  24. Someone said about russian cows, er, girls attractiveness? Calm down - there are VERY FEW beautiful girls in russia. They are stinking, lots are fat, others are skinny without breasts, waist and butts. Bad hair quality, bad skin quality. Many are bow-legged. Stop telling lies and stop overrate them.
    Moreover: Scandinavian men don`t consider them as beautiful.
    So, brush up your brain if you have it.

  25. guys are all the same....

    if you truly want to have the most sexiest body ever ladies there are a few things that are essential....

    first ladies we all are various shapes...
    we can't change this... it's just how we are... simple.....

    I am an hourglass and have friends that are pears and apple shapes....

    it's all about proportions....

    1- the main main main rule is to stay in shape! whatever size or shape stay healthy and in shape. look at how much u should weigh for ur height and weight and stay within that limit....

    2- if u r in shape women work on ur skin and beauty.... the more u look after yourself the more beautiful u will be!

    3- so u have the body, skin, style and make Up....
    u always look good so now it's all confidence...
    confidence is the key to success....

    4... I am an hourglass shape.... in my experience when am healthy and in shape guys drool over me... I have a slim tiny waist... a peachy bum and big breasts and curvy thighs....
    this shape men love!
    with this I no when I look after my body, skin, hair and style... u simply can't go wrong!

    trust me women u could have anyone... x

    1. "trust me women u could have anyone... x"

      No, you can't have "anyone".

  26. I'm so glad I read all these last I have the secret to finding a man. I don't need to waste anymore time improving my mind or spend any money on my education. Finally I can stop being so warm, loving, accepting, accommodating and supportive and kind. I've been so misguided spending all these years developing myself as a good human being when all I had to do was just go to the gym instead. W

    1. I am a good person and it has not helped me attract a man. In fact, I have CONSISTENTLY skipped over for girls/women who are vain, self centered, inconsiderate, uneducated, slutty, but they, they work out, or do drugs which helps them stay a size 0 - 4.

      Everything you just mentioned means nothing to attracting a man initially.


    2. I'd rather love myself than try and be loved by someone who do doesn't want what I am though.

    3. This mentally (i.e., I am a good person and that's all I need) is a total turn-off. It is just as vain as someone who thinks that he/she does not have to be nice or improve him/herself due to good looks. We are supposed to take good care of ourselves, both inside and out. The reluctance to make any effort to improve oneself is a red flag in my opinion. Most importantly, the post did not encourage readers to stop being good human beings. Sorry that some of you sound so jaded. As a girl, I wouldn't want to hang out with you because of your negative attitude.

    4. "This mentally (i.e., I am a good person and that's all I need) is a total turn-off. It is just as vain as someone who thinks that he/she does not have to be nice or improve him/herself due to good looks."

      I agree with you. It is actually a bit entitled...and guess what? There are people who take care of themselves who are also good people and intelligent.

  27. Re no 4 - although complaining is unattractive, would it be smart for a woman to at least recognize that she is aware if she has gained weight?
    I gained 3 or 4 lbs over the holidays. I am still a US size 4, so I am by no means fat, but a little curvier. I thought about it last time I had sex with my boyfriend - I hadn't seen him for a while so I was hoping he wouldn't think about it.
    I am most comfortable being thin. I want to lose it again, but do you think it is smart to signalize it, so in case he cares, he knows I will?

    1. Recognize it to yourself, yes. The point was that it could be harmful to become overly focused on your weight such that you care about nothing else (though if you are doing this and aren't thin enough, you are probably doing something wrong, rather than too little).

    2. Do you think women often aim to be a bit skinnier than what men like?
      I feel like I get the most attention from men when I am slightly curvier, but I always aim a bit below that to look good in skinny pants etc.

  28. Andrew, I have been losing weight over the past 2 years with diet and exercise, but I am still far away from being a socially attractive goal, should I continue to try dating now (limited success, decent amount of e-mails but not much follow through or no second dates) or wait until I am a passable size? (Was 290, 180 now, of average height)

    I am in late twenties and it will take about another 1 half to 2 years to get to my goal.

    1. ANDREW, PLEaSE READ PREVIOUS COMMENT, should i just have kids with anyone by now or should i hold off until i fell iike i am with mr right?

    2. Wait 1-2 more years, get fit, get hot, and then aim for a beta provider who is on his way to become wealthy and successful, and whom you can easily make fall in love with you. Stay clear of alpha males; the most valuable of them for for girls aged 25 or so.

      So aim for people who have a lot of intelligence and potential, and are about to get results withing 5-10 years.

      If you have been fat and undatable for most of your life, then you can use it to your advantage now. The positive side is that you haven't been jaded and become cold hearted and cynical. So you will be a fit and beautifully women who haven't developed a bitchy attitude. Use that. Get "how-to-become-feminine" books.

      If you aim for a beta provider, chances are very good that you will be able to win his heart, since he has not received a lot of female attention. And since you haven't been dating around with a lot of alphas, and haven't been pumped and dumped, your haven't been desensitized to male attention, and a beta provider who is less than maximally attractive could still work for you.

      So get hot, aim for somebody how has not dated around too much, but will be a great father, wealthy and happy have you.

      And a warning: do not let your newfound beauty get to your head. Stay with the plan, aim for something realistically and long term. And work hard, read hard on how to become hot and feminine. Learn how to help a man to lead, while feeling powerful leading you and the family.

  29. What about pretty face vs. hot body? Especially if the girl is conservative and does not wear tight clothes & seeking like minded guy. I have small face so when I am over weight, my face looks normal size & looks pretty. But when i workout hard and lose weight & get good body, my face shrinks too much & ages me.

  30. Hi Im underweight, I weigh 97lbs and Im 5'4" tall.My proportions are 31-23-34.My last bf had no complaints about my weight, he liked to lift me around sometimes :-) but a lot of girls are always commenting on my weight,its along the lines of wow you're so skinny, whats your secret?

    I recently met a female friend's friend who immediately starting talking this way to me.It actually makes me very uncomfortable and I am starting to wonder whether men look at me only because I am skinny.
    Ive tried to gain weight but it ends up mainly on my lower stomach,if anyone has any suggestions please could they reply.I realise I probably sound ungrateful for my size but its wearing me down,thank you

    1. Don't let women wear you down. Think of desirable women like Adriana Lima, who certainly have a similar bmi to you. 23-34 is a sexy figure. Meghan fox said in an interview that she has a 22 inch waist and she is your height. I would love such a figure. Get supportive friends or move to Europe or somewhere where fatness isn't taken for granted, if it is an option.

    2. I'm glad you said this. I'm about a 100lbs and i'm like 5'5"-5'6" It's hard for me to gain weight. I read through all these posts and it was interesting the one who said the skinny friend that was with her would have to dress slutty to get attention. I don't have to dress slutty to get attention, I think I'm very pretty and I have a great personality. However it is interesting because if I am trying to get dressed up or dolled up I think I do make an effort to show something off a little more than I should. Just one thing tho, for instance something very low cut, maybe an inch or so deeper than what people consider low cut, but I'm thinking, there's not a lot to show off really. I mean I have nice boobs, especially for as thin as I am, but nonetheless small. Or maybe just a short dress or skirt, that might be a little too short, but I have great legs and I don't mind showing them off while I'm young. My back is really the only other sexy thing to show off, but I wonder if some people would think it was boney. I'd like the writer of this blog to say something sometime about what men think about skinny girls. I know everyone thinks women are trying to be too thin because it's what men want I suppose, but the reason I talked about how I dressed slutty was one because it kinda just dawned on me that I do when I read that other comment and two because I'm not the girl that walks into a bar and all the guys look at her boobs. But if I want to get noticed I do, I'm pretty, I have a pretty smile, a nice body, just not a curvy one so I wear something slutty to show it off I guess. But then I read another persons comment that talked about weight on women being attractive to men because of it being a sign of fertility. I found that interesting as well. I just hit my mid twenties and am going through my 4th serious relationship breakup. Wasting 1-5 years on each boyfriend. While I know some of them would marry me now or would say things about marrying me after we'd break up. The point is I've never been proposed to. I read some of the other stuff on this site and it talks about not wasting your most eligible years in relationships. Which is exactly what I've done. And while 3 out of the 4 I was the one who ended the relationship (so all but this last one :/ ) it is still worth me noting that not in the 5 year relationship nor the 8 month one, nor the 3 year one, nor the year and a half one did any of these boys ask me to marry them. I'm not desperate to get married, but it is something I want. Nor do I think I should have married any of those men. I wonder if I'm not wife material or something though. Maybe I should gain some weight so I'll have wider hips.

    3. Sorry I kind of got off my point there. My point was that if you were to ask me what kind of women guy finds most attractive I would say curvacious ones. And any times in my life where I have gotten to be 5 or 10lbs heavier than I am now and my boobs and my face plump up a little more, I think I get more attention maybe even different attention. I'm curious about weight training. This is the first time I've heard it be recommended for women who aren't trying to get built. The average girl doesn't want to look muscular. I would think that if I started lifting my arms are going to get biceps instead of just looking toned. Would you think that's true? I really have no weight to get off first so it makes me think I'll look weird. But the same thing, my mother is overweight and that's very interesting to say you can burn 25% more calories by weight lifting than by cardio. I would think I should tell her that, but is it really not just going to turn her fat into muscle just making her harder but not much thinner? Am I wrong? I suppose it could be good for me since doing cardio would make me lose weight, getting rid of the butt and boobs I do have.

  31. Educated! That is what just happened here. Questions that I have tried, tried and TRIED to get answers to was satisfied here tonight. I wish every woman could absorb the understanding that was giving in this blogg. Thank you Andrew!

  32. hi,
    The facts were really just opened my eyes....i am conscious about my health..but i love to eat my favorite compromise in that........
    i realize that it is not a good habit,so i try to control myself............
    c u ltr

  33. Is this no longer attractive?

    They were once considered ideals of female beauty, but they don't look like Victoria's Secret models.

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  35. I'd love an opinion on this picture:

    I love her abs and waist in the second photo, but I showed it to a guy and he said her upper body (particularly collarbones) was too skinny. I still think it's an improvement though.
    I'd be interested in hearing you rate her 1-10 on both photos :)

  36. Women's waists come in to styles short and long.
    Long is what gives the hourglass shape.

    Short is just short and no matter how thin women become the waist is not as defined. Short waist women tend to have their height be in their legs not the torso and these women tend to be better at sports

    1. A SMALL waist is what gives an hourglass shape. Plenty of women have long waists/torsos and have athletic/straight bodies with small hips.
      Length of the waist doesn't matter.

    2. It's not difficult to cheat an hourglass. I'm a pear shape with a bigger bum than chest and with a small waist in comparison to my hips - measurements: 36, 27, 41. I wear the right outfit, and I can pull it off, especially wearing a wonderbra.

    3. The original poster is correct. If you're a shorter female with a short torso, your organs are not going to allow you to have as narrow a waist as a taller woman. It's a fact. I wish people would use common sense.

  37. Hi.. I just found your blog today and will be exploring it more. I'm what could be considered a large woman but I've taken back my life. With the help of my doctor I've started losing weight and feel great. For the first time in my life I feel sexy and I have to say even though I'm still large I'm catching attention because of my confidence level. I have to agree about the gym. I highly recommend working with a personal trainer to get an all body experience. Cardio only goes so far and really it is just for weight loss but you won't lose the arms, stomach, thighs, etc simply by doing cardio. Traditional exercises as well as weight training are really important not only for weightloss but also for overall well being. Also helps to eat right and eat often. Too many woman cut back on meals thinking they are doing themselves a favor but in actuality they are sabotaging their diets. Diets shouldn't be a chore it should be a way of life that is easily maintained. I used to count calories but I know what I can eat now without effort because my body no longer craves the junk. So between September 2012 and now (March 2013) I've lost 50 lbs simply by eating right and exercise. I'm happy and healthy. I feel more confident in myself in years. I feel sexy for the first time in 15 years and starting to date (which is what brought me here cause men are confusing me).

    1. Speaking of losing weight, it can be done with zero exercise minutes per day. Weight loss comes down to energy balance, as long as you’re eating fewer calories than you are burning (you burn calories every second, regardless of what you’re doing), you will lose weight. Exercise is one way to manipulate this energy balance and increase the amount of calories burned.

      So yes, it is certainly possible to exercise for 1 minute and lose weight.

      1 minute of specific weight loss routines, is equivalent to 45 minutes of moderate exercise at the gym

      To be honest, I don't know too much more about it other than it working great for me and hubby, click here to take their 1 minute quiz: 1 Minute Weight Loss

      I highly suggest your readers check it out if they're looking to lose your weight easily once and for all.

      Good luck!

      Lost 17 pounds in 3 Months w/ little to no exercise

  38. If you could just date a black guy and not worry about having to lose any weight.

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  41. Calories in does not equal calories out.... Very common misconception. The body has different methods of metabolizing different substances; sucrose is broken down in a different pathway than glucose is, and different substances have differing effects on your insulin/insulin resistance level. Eating 1000 calories of sugar will make you muuuuuch fatter than eating 1000 calories of rice. The law of thermodynamics doesn't apply to food consumption in the way it is often assumed; if you don't believe me, then look up one of the innumerable places refuting this.

    Here's one.

  42. Hello

    Breast shape and size would occupy 50% of the scale for me !

  43. I appreciate the point of the post, but did the author really use the phrase "imperfect hair" in the same sentence complimenting black women.

    1. Yes, Andrew did describe black women's hair as "imperfect", which I find highly offensive.

    2. I caught that as well. And was also offended. The "standard of beauty" touted on this page is distinctively Anglo...

  44. Women with extra weight is actually a good thing. It is the sign of fertility, femininity, balance and overall womanhood. Subconsciously, the male mind (whether you know it or not)is balancing out factors about the woman's body and visa-versa. Long hair, for example, says to the male mind: "She is healthy!" by the aspect that if your body is sick the nutrients go straight to whatever your body is fighting off and blocks some of the nutrients for the less important parts of the body...Keratin for fingernails and hair is the first to be blocked, therefore longer hair is a subconscious "turn on". Large and thick hips/thighs tell the male mind "She is healthy and fertile." It is common knowledge that a woman bulks up in the waist, butt and thighs during pregnancy but before pregnancy, a woman with wide hips is a sign of good health and womanhood. The likelihood of a misconception or infertility rises when the woman is small in said areas. Women who have extremely small waists also have a risk of organ damage during pregnancy because of the baby's placement inside the womb. The lack of body fat to protect the growing fetus is also problematic issue. The skewed perception of women must be below a size 14 to be considered "beautiful" or the "Ideal woman" is far-fetched. I have discussed this with a few of my collogues and friends and have found that the type of women men lust after has nothing to do with size, shape, etc. What I have found, is that there is one key factor in attraction...confidence. If the woman is happy with herself, why in the hell should that mar us from liking said woman because she is heavier? The mixed factors in this website is laughable in the least! First of all, why was Nikki Manaj even an option here? She has had multiple surgeries/injections to widen her butt, thighs and part of her waistline. Now, answer me this. Why would Nikki want to do this if it is so "Unattractive" toward people? What would a Star, a person built on popularity, do that if it wasn't seemingly the "in-style" or "sexy". Second of all, Victoria's Secret models are Photo-shopped and made to look the way they do. If you haven't noticed, real women have little to nothing in common with the Victoria's Secret models. Maybe at a distance, not even. ALL women have something attractive about them, it's when they know it and feel confidence in those aspects do they truly become attractive. You may look like a drop-dead bombshell, but if you don't believe it you're just another girl. Weight on a woman is a very good thing...more than most realize.


    1. Some of us women don't have the confidence due to articles like these that we come across or people who have been putting us down our whole lives and just kill our self esteem.. It's very hard for me to think I'm beautiful if my whole life I've been called fat and ugly.. The confidence slowly drifts away and it's too far out of reach to grab it again.. We live in a world where it's very hard to see that looks really don't matter.. I rather date someone who isn't attractive at all but treats me like I'm the only person in the world they care about than date a very attractive man but treats me horribly.. Yes there are some men who are attractive that will treat a women very kindly and loving even if she's not the smallest and prettiest female out there, and some men who are not attractive at all with a nasty personality.. I don't judge people by their looks I judge them based on their personality but there's not a lot of people out there like that which makes it harder to realize that I can be accepted but I'm not.. Which starts the cycle of me being constantly depressed all over again

  45. i understand and agree with mosy of the things you say, but wearing hells every day is very, very tiresome.

    still, nice blog :) it gives good tips, and it's not sexist:)

    btw, do men only care about a women's looks?

  46. You may want to reconsider the % for clothing. Clothes can dramatically change how much it looks like you weigh and what shape you have. Just for one the tiniest part of your waist, put a belt around it, or draw attention to it somehow, you now look as thin as you're going to, you've created and hour glass shape for yourself. And fortunately for us any waistline is more than in these days. Right under your breasts, closer to your belly button, even your hips. Some bodies can pull all of these off but if you're trying to create the illusion that you're thinner than you are, try to accentuate the smallest part of your body and then draw attention to at least one other great feature. The shape of your pants and jackets can make an apple or a pear shaped woman look much more balanced. All you have to do is watch one episode of what not to wear, or any makeover to see that the right clothes (fit, cut, color) can make a persons body appear dramatically different. And I think because of that clothes should get bumped up because even if guys don't think they matter that much, I would say they matter more than they know and it's something girls should give more attention to than the 1 or 2 % in the chart.

  47. I understand and agree with most of what you have written. However the "imperfect hair" comment being associated with black women is a very antiquated, dating back to slavery,and inaccurate description. Black hair comes in all different textures because there are all different types of black people contrary to what Western ideals want individuals to believe. It is incredible and yes I'm being sarcastic how people like to group black women into these categories and subsequently degrade them or commodity them. Last time I checked, imperfect hair is unhealthy hair which all individuals regardless of race are capable of having.

  48. The media says I'm technically fat. Well I'm not a fucking size zero, but who fucking cares? I don't think I'm fat. I feel fat sometimes but then I snap out of tit. SCARY SKINNY IS GROSS. What guy honestly wants to have sex with a skeleton?????

  49. Out of it**** ^ my apologies.

  50. This article should be called "what a-holes think of your weight " good men, real men are not like this. Ummmm forget you guys. This whole thread and article is shameful. I am not the skinniest woman by any means, I recently decided to pick up working out as a hobby. And have lost around 40lbs but before I lost any weight, I still had plenty of men interested on me. For reference, I was a size 24 at my heaviest and I am 5'4.

    1. Have you actually read the entire post?

      Before you criticise and make assumption about this article note some clear statements made on this post.

      3. Men don't need Victoria's Secret models.

      4. Your complex about being overweight is more unattractive than being overweight."

      So, no you don't have to be skinny to attract men. Still he encourages you to be fit & healthy as it improves your chances. The keyword here is "improves". If you were able to attract men at your heaviest, imagine how many more men you'll be able to attract when you are even fitter.

    2. Be honest with started working out as a hobby? Not to lose weight? A man is not real or good if he is not attracted to an obese woman?

  51. "Imperfect hair???!"

    I find this comment very racist. Please explain your views.
    Women have different hair types, what makes African oriented women have "imperfect" hair?
    This is shameful. Your whole blog is trying to tell women to conform into an uncomfortable image just to fit in your ideas of a woman.
    I hope nobody uses this guide, it will wreck your life and make you feel fake.

  52. I dont know about other men, but i got a rule of thumb regarding a woman's weight / shape.

    NO-Go if she looks too heavy for me to be able to lift and carry her full weight for a few minutes (this is a matter of personal pride, as in not a gym guy but reasonably fit)

    NO-Go if her body shape isn't undoubtedly female from some distance- proportions taken into account plus some leeway.

    NO-Go if there are extensive and inconspicuous signs of health risk -likely to scar me mentally- skin chafing, "folds", excessive panting, extreme stretch marks/cellulite etc.

    call me Mr vain all you like. i dont want a mini van. or any van for that matter.

  53. My body shape is very similar to Nicki Minaj and I attract plenty of men. To be honest, if a man has a problem with my body there are a 100 men who love it. Confidence and being comfortable with your own skin goes a long way. I know women who are thin, tone and very insecure and panic when they gain a couple of pounds and only talk about that.I also dated a personal trainer who told me he found muscles on a woman disgusting and LOVED my big ass.

  54. love the blog but the calories in calories out thing is wrong and the exercising to lose weight idea is wrong this vid if you are interested in finding out why.

  55. Sincere, straight forward question for the men. I am a bigger girl. Pretty face. Smart, funny, confidant. I dated a thinner man for about a year and a half. I suspect that one of the main reasons he broke up with me because he wanted someone in shape. He is way too sweet to mention my weight as a reason. In the past when I was thin, I too dated men and left them for someone I found more attractive physically. So I get it. I have changed my lifestyle because it was time to do it, and am losing tons of weight. Now I wonder if he will want me back. I don't care how shallow it sounds. Guys? Don't hold back...should I get in touch with him and talk to him about it? I still like him, what are my chances.

  56. This is one of the saddest blogs/comments I've ever read on the internet. Why chase male opinions all over the internet to be told what some find good/bad/ugly? Surely no one is capable of pleasing everyone's taste. There is very little anyone can do to change the way they look, beyond temporary measures with makeup. The most valuable relationship you'll ever have in this life is with yourself. So please yourself. Find out what *you* like. Develop and nurture your mind, body and spirit accordingly. And then attraction will develop spontaneously with a mate who has similar tastes and goals.

    Who in their right mind would want to waste the precious moments of their life with the kind of men who rate women like cattle? Would you want such a man to be the father of your daughters? Yes, there is a cruel industry of entertainment and lifestyle products that makes billions telling you that you're not attractive or young enough, and there are plenty of men who are happy to use those same techniques to mentally dominate insecure women - but you don't have to play that game.

    There are also plenty of men and women with healthy minds and spirits who have turned there back on these unreal cultural expectations and in turn they are capable of making real connections with other human beings based on mutual respect. You don't have to see other people as, or be seen by others as meat.

    Healthy relationships with the opposite sex are a wonderful addition to a full life - but making another person's wishes and standards the center of your life is not healthy. You should matter more to yourself, (i.e. your health, your happiness, your safety) than anyone else's passing opinion of your physical appearance.

    Obsequiously simpering for approval is like waving a red flag around that screams insecurity. Healthy men and women may feel sorry for you, but they won't want to be lovers and friends with such people. Opportunistic male abusers and female frenemies will pick you out from above and tear what's left of you to shreds.

    Commodifying yourself is a way of tricking yourself into never having to face the larger questions that your existence begs and it saves you from the excruciating work it takes to build and maintain morality and character. But it is a trick. Relationships formed on shallow foundations will crumble and fall apart when physical beauty fades. Being alone is not necessarily a bad thing, but it is a terrifying thing for those who have no inner strength, morality or character.

    There is so little you can do to change your physical appearance - but your mind, and soul are yours alone to grow and develop in any way that pleases you and the changes you make will never fade or erode.

    1. Mch,

      You ROCK!!! Awesome post :) Thank you for putting things in perspective.

      To the women reading,

      Yes, women need to workout to be in their best shape for health but if you're naturally more blocky or straight at your fittest than curvy there's nothing wrong with your shape anatomically. Look how many babies are born to women of all shapes, and the myth that wide hips are better for childbirth isn't true as they get just as many C-sections - it's the internal pelvic outlet inside the pelvis that counts and doesn't have anything to do with the external width. I know 3 women who have the straightest bodies and narrowest straight hips who had very large babies (9lbs +) naturally and women with 'childbearing' 0.7 waist hip ratio who had all C-sections (6.5 lbs) due to obstructed labour.

      In fact if you are straighter or blockier skeletally you have the perfect body to be trained for athletic strength and endurance in sport and life generally! Pleasing male primitive brain parts is not our only role in life and if men only like a certain type of female figure he'd better be prepared to compete like crazy against all the other males for access to the 20% of women who have it and fend off male competition when he's got her.

      Personally I don't think it's very secure knowing your mate chose you for your body shape because there will always be a prettier sexier younger body out there and this only gets more true as you get older. If your mate is that way inclined he's more likely to chase what tickles his eyes when you change with age and child bearing, happens all the time...I'd rather know for sure why my mate is with me - something that can't erode with time. The problem is that 0.7 waist hip women will have no way of knowing whether he chose her for that or not as that attribute can't be changed until later with some weight gain or age.

      Focus on loving others and yourself and if the right guy comes along, great. If not some other poor soul can deal with the guys that passed over a good thing for their eye candy. Meanwhile you can grow strength to strength in other areas in life and ultimately be very attractive to many people as a person generally :)

  57. Keep in mind that girls who are bulimic and anorexic aren't proud of this behavior. Sure, they may have an unhealthy mind, but there can be reasons for that. For example, I have a great personality. I really do. But I've struggled with bulimia and anorexia because I was abused as a child. If a guy is not understanding of my issues with my body, I wouldn't want him. Of course, I want to be mentally strong, but I think it would be really sad if guys ran away from me as soon as they found this out.

    How much do men notice physical imperfections during sex or being with a woman (like cellulite and stretch marks). My girlfriends all seem to believe when it comes down the bedroom, the man will be so enamored and excited he won't notice. I disagree (but this could be my own insecurity after having a guy comment my pigmentation was darker (I'm Latina) down there.

    1. How much a guy cares in the heat of the moment is definitely diminished by sexual excitement. Significantly.

      But how much he cares in the long term isn't diminished as much. And how much he notices (even in the short term) isn't diminished at all.

      How much a guy cares is impossible to pinpoint - it really depends on the guy and on the imperfection. But in my experience, girls make a bigger deal out of their imperfections than guys actually care about.

  59. To be perfectly honest, the idea that innate body shape matters more than your weight actually makes me feel less empowered and less confident. I can't control my natural proportions. As an apple shape (but with small breasts sadly enough) I know that my natural proportions are generally considered less attractive, and I can't do anything about those. On the other hand, my weight and fitness is something I can improve through diet and working out. I will never have a perfect hourglass body though, and I can only hope that there will be men who find me attractive despite that.

    1. I don't think the intent of this article is to make anyone feel empowered or confident, that's what feminist speeches are for. Okay, so you don't have those perfect hourglass proportions. So you're not going to grace the cover of Playboy or Maxim. As long as you stay somewhat slim and take care of yourself there will be men who will find you attractive. Perhaps you won't have as many men oggling at you as the girl who has the perfect features but that shouldn't matter.

  60. Finally someone who says what he thinks and isn't concerned about peoples' feelings. I think we need to get out of this whole "oh but I feel like this" nonsense and snap into reality. Fat isn't attractive for the majority of men. Some men like bigger women but most will gravitate towards the slim but curvy chick if given an option and that's just the way it is. I do disagree on a few small points here. Unfortunately, as women are oblivious to how men are, men also struggle when trying to understand women. Unfortunately, weight training and exercise help men lose weight quickly but for women it's more complicated than that. Why? Because men have hormones that make them gain muscle at a much faster rate than women. Which means that for a woman to lose weight she not only needs to work out, but more importantly she needs to watch what she eats and how much she eats and there is absolutely no other way for us women to lose weight! There's no such thing as "healthy weight loss" that's a myth. Some women have fast metabolisms but the majority of us need to work at it and that means eating super healthy and not pigging out like you men would like us to. So guys you need to choose and the choice is 1) a woman with a fast metabolism who can pig out with you but might one day get big when age catches up with her 2) a woman who watches her weight and therefore won't eat whatever you put in front of her 3) a woman who isn't naturally thin but loves food and is therefore going to be heavier.

    I am ultra feminine, sexy, and very pretty....guys notice me all the time...I am athletic and healthy-with an awesome hourglass figure.....BUT let's be real no?
    When I was 30+ pounds lighter with a tan and dyed blonde hair men drooled, my guy friends wanted to be with me and my ex-even though he now realizes that all came via an eating disorder still talks about how good I looked back then.......
    Skinny----is what men want UNLESS they take the time to get to know a woman...
    p.s. big natural breasts ARE AMAZING! Thank you Drake for encouraging women to keep them!

  62. Eating disorders are not a choice and are usually out of the persons control or were onset by traumatic or abnormal circumstances. It seems unfair to say that a persons personal battles are unattractive.

  63. Who are all these modern men who think they know everything about dress size and women's body proportions? You are not a woman! You don't know what you're talking about.

    LOL! Oh really???? No one will be interested in the mind of a 300 lb woman? With over 70% of the population overweight, Wenotice you men CONTINUE to have sex, and get married to, very obese women. You have certainly lowered your standards to meet your sexual 'needs', huh? I have, since 2010 alone, seen over half a dozen marriages where the woman weighed over 300 lbs, easily... while me? The 5'7" 125 pound former model, was invited to the weddings, single and alone. Ha ha! There goes your theory!!

    1. Where you live in a Walmart? Those fat women may have excellent credit or have money in their family lets be real about it. You must have a serious personality flaw if you can't find a man at 5/7 125 pounds because men are visual yet run from 'crazy' not saying that you are just saying ...

  64. No, YOU are crazy, Seriously, stop staring at me in public and stick with your obese and butterface women.

    Abusive men call beautiful women crazy to make themselves feel better about rejection.

    Here's "The Rules REVAMPED": Men love intelligent women. Men realize it is not the cavemen days and they have no need or desire to 'protect' a woman. They choose beauties for procreation over fat slobs who yell at them and have horrible personalities.

    I NEVER go to walmart, because of the disgusting looks and actions of the people therein. Have you ever heard of I have EXCELLENT credit, sweetie, because I never had to depend on a man (little daddy) to pay my bills. This is what you men want, so stop lying: A fat, obese mommy figure, or butterface. Stop lying to yourselves that beauties like me don't have great personalities. We do. And these 'caring, loving, lol! flexible' women that you want for marriage? I saw another one cackling loudly like a witch in the store again today, ugly faced.. and she is married, of course.. while beautiful, blonde me sat there quietly, totally ignored.. except by men smiling and saying 'how ya doin?' to me. Complete male strangers.

    Is angelina jolie crazy? he fukks that every night while you get..?? Mr anonymous, lol. Just sayin' is a stupid, squirmy phrase used by idiots on the internet.

  65. You men are so full of shit. You don't give a DAMN about my personality.. all you see is my 44 D chest, hot body and long blonde hair gorgeous face , long legs. These fat women are financially supporting deadbeat husbands or bf's, that's all we can figure!

    Stop lying to yourselves, men. Given a CHOICE (and you're all too insecure to approach a woman
    that looks like me, so, rather than stay celibate like a person of worth would, you choose to fuk and MARRY aND HAVE CHILDREN WITH those obese things, and those endless butterfaces) and it is absolutely disgusting to we beautiful, intelligent people.

    you would choose the beautiful me with the sweet caring personality and the best sex you ever had in your fukkin life (according to two of MY ex bf's, who were both movie star gorgeous, btw) over the butterface or obese with the sweet caring personality every. single. time.

    STOP HAVING SEX WITH AVERAGE TO BELOW AVERAGE LOOKING WOMEN!!! You have wasted time and ruined the reproductive years of we beautiful people. Ever see fat, average looking people having sex on soap operas? NO. Ever see a very wealthy man with a butterface or obese slob pig? NO. It is all up to you, men.... all up to you.... since YOU still propose marriage in 2015 (1 a.d. to 2015)

    1. I read your 3 comments and I have to say ; you're totally jealous that you're fatter friends/accontences have boyfriends, your aggressive, rude and totally delusional.

      The way that you sound, its easy to understand wye any men prefer a nice 500 lb woman over you.

  66. My God.....your flaccid cock can barely be seen flapping in the wind. Men like you are a plague upon the sicken me

  67. The last anon must be non-caucasian. Any decent looking dude, at least who is caucasian, won't touch any obese woman, or anything even close to it.

    If you are hot, send me some pictures. I don't have sex with bad looking women. It's hard to find good looking ones who aren't needy or crazy, but I get that that is my evaluation. Also, the percentage of girls who aren't guilted by society for going with older guys (I'm in my 30s but have no desire to date anyone who is 30 or over, why would i) is high, yet I think most really do, because stable, older men are what women want.

    1. Sorry, but you look the opposite of stable. actually you look mentally unstable.

  68. Lol at "Incidentally, in-shape black women blow away the competition when it comes to having great figures, which in most cases completely compensates for imperfect hair."

    Basically you are saying all black women have bad hair.

  69. This was a great read and it does make a ton of sense. I did not take the time to read all of the comments but I'd like to take a moment to express how truly hard it is for an apple shapped women to achieve a healthy waist. While there was no mention of body shape classifications in this article it is hard, even sad for some apple-shaped women to realize that they will never have the luxury of being able to have and maintain a tiny waist and nice hips figure because it is not anatomically possible for them.
    When I was in my early 20s I had an easy time keeping skinny but when I look back and despite having weighed only 100 lbs (I'm 5ft2) I had more of a waist but not much of one. So 20 lbs heavier now it often seems like mission imossible lol.
    Regardless, I find it si terrible sad that apple-shaped women are constantly critisized (like Kate Upton) when their is literally nothing they can do to be closer to the ideal female. Futhermore, it is disgusting that so many perfect hourglass figures and pear shaped bodies body shame the apple shape, that's like telling someone with a big nose that big noses are ugly, it hurts one feelings and is so insensitive I really cannot comprehed that way of being, it is cruel really. I was at a bachlorette party once and the suject of childbirth came up, the girls were saying how wide hipe help delievry and one girl turned around to me, in front of everyone, and said what are you going to do, you have no hips!!! Just mean and uncalled for :(

  70. I find the lazy part very inaccurate coming from someone who's pushed people to being healthy. Just because someone is lazy doesn't quite mean they choose to be, a lot of times its apart of their personality and can't quite change it. Usually when a person is lazy is also because of a lot more complex things.. And it usually really sad to see were all corrupted by what the media throws at us saying healthy girls are better than overweight girls or overweight men are not as good as healthy ones.. But I've been through dark times where I was obsessed with changing my self for another persons benefit so I would starve my self and do intense work outs.. Ladies just because a man doesn't like you for your size doesn't mean change yourself, you should never change yourself for anyone but you.. This goes for some men too who feel the same way because we are all labeled I'm not saying don't be healthy, because being healthy is good and it's a goal everyone wants to achieve, but if you love your self don't let another person or a article change the way you see yourself.. If you want to change for you then I don't see why not but if it's because of the people around you then you need to realize that it's okay to be you..

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  72. Andrew, are you saying black women have bad hair?

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  89. i am ERIC BRUNT by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my wife after three(3) years of marriage just because another Man had a spell on her and she left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a man had a spell on my wife and he told me that he will help me and after 3 days that i will have my wife back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my wife. Thanks for helping me Dr Akhere contact him on email:

    i am ERIC BRUNT by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my wife after three(3) years of marriage just because another Man had a spell on her and she left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a man had a spell on my wife and he told me that he will help me and after 3 days that i will have my wife back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my wife. Thanks for helping me Dr Akhere contact him on email:

  90. i am ERIC BRUNT by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my wife after three(3) years of marriage just because another Man had a spell on her and she left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a man had a spell on my wife and he told me that he will help me and after 3 days that i will have my wife back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my wife. Thanks for helping me Dr Akhere contact him on email:

    i am ERIC BRUNT by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my wife after three(3) years of marriage just because another Man had a spell on her and she left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a man had a spell on my wife and he told me that he will help me and after 3 days that i will have my wife back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my wife. Thanks for helping me Dr Akhere contact him on email:

  91. i am ERIC BRUNT by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my wife after three(3) years of marriage just because another Man had a spell on her and she left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a man had a spell on my wife and he told me that he will help me and after 3 days that i will have my wife back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my wife. Thanks for helping me Dr Akhere contact him on email:

    i am ERIC BRUNT by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my wife after three(3) years of marriage just because another Man had a spell on her and she left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a man had a spell on my wife and he told me that he will help me and after 3 days that i will have my wife back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my wife. Thanks for helping me Dr Akhere contact him on email:

  92. Get Your Wife Back, Perfect Urgent Love Spell. Am Karen Renee from FL Usa All Thanks To Dr Osasu Who Brought Back The Love Of My Life. my girlfriend cheated on me and asked for a breakup. I don't believe at first i try to get back with her but all she told me was she’s with someone else. that she is no longer interested in marrying me at that point i was heart broken because i love my girlfriend so much that i could not let go off her all of a sudden she left me, i really love her and never can imagine my life without her. not until i came across a powerful real spell caster Dr Osasu who promise me 24hours urgent love spell to get back with my girlfriend, good twenty-four {24} hours. hmm-mm, it was a good night time at 11:pm within the days that Dr Osasu told me that my girlfriend will be back, at first i heard the bell rings getting close to my door i heard someone saying honey!!!, it sound familiar i opened the door and i saw my girlfriend standing and weeping in front of me. i was not surprised because its all i have been praying for her to come back home. Guess what 2 weeks after she noticed her system and her body temperature was changed and i took her to clinic for check up and the doctor told me that there is life in her which means she was pregnant i really wants to use this opportunity to thanks Dr Osasu so much and the love page that directed me to Dr Osasu if you have any problem getting your ex back, or predicament that is worse or exactly like this you have been into, contact Dr Osasu on You can add him up on Whats-app/ Or call +2347064365391


  93. An amazing testimony on a spell caster who brought my husband back to me.. My name is Alicia ,i live in Florida,USA,and I’m happily married to a lovely and caring husband ,with two kids.A very big problem occurred in my family seven months ago,between me and my husband .so terrible that he took the case to court for a divorce.he said that he never wanted to stay with me again,and that he didn’t love me anymore.So he packed out of the house and made me and my children passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to get him back,after much begging,but all to no avail.and he confirmed it that he has made his decision,and he never wanted to see me again. So on one evening,as i was coming back from work,i met an old friend of mine who asked of my husband .So i explained every thing to him,so he told me that the only way i can get my husband back,is to visit a spell caster,because it has really worked for him too.So i never believed in spell,but i had no other choice,than to follow his advice. Then he gave me the email address of the spell caster whom he visited.(} . So the next morning,i sent a mail to the address he gave to me,and the spell caster assured me that i will get my husband back the next day.What an amazing statement!! I never believed,so he spoke with me,and told me everything that i need to do. Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my husband who didn’t call me for the past seven {7}months,gave me a call to inform me that he was coming back.So Amazing!! So that was how he came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and he apologized for his mistake,and for the pain he caused me and my children. Then from that day,our relationship was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster. So, i will advice you out there to kindly visit the same email ( ,or whatsapp Dr azen on (+2349038299828)

    An amazing testimony on a spell caster who brought my husband back to me.. My name is Alicia ,i live in Florida,USA,and I’m happily married to a lovely and caring husband ,with two kids.A very big problem occurred in my family seven months ago,between me and my husband .so terrible that he took the case to court for a divorce.he said that he never wanted to stay with me again,and that he didn’t love me anymore.So he packed out of the house and made me and my children passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to get him back,after much begging,but all to no avail.and he confirmed it that he has made his decision,and he never wanted to see me again. So on one evening,as i was coming back from work,i met an old friend of mine who asked of my husband .So i explained every thing to him,so he told me that the only way i can get my husband back,is to visit a spell caster,because it has really worked for him too.So i never believed in spell,but i had no other choice,than to follow his advice. Then he gave me the email address of the spell caster whom he visited.(} . So the next morning,i sent a mail to the address he gave to me,and the spell caster assured me that i will get my husband back the next day.What an amazing statement!! I never believed,so he spoke with me,and told me everything that i need to do. Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my husband who didn’t call me for the past seven {7}months,gave me a call to inform me that he was coming back.So Amazing!! So that was how he came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and he apologized for his mistake,and for the pain he caused me and my children. Then from that day,our relationship was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster. So, i will advice you out there to kindly visit the same email ( ,or whatsapp Dr azen on (+2349038299828)

  94. HOW DR. UNEME brought back my ex lover
    Am DONNA, am from UK. After been in a relationship with my Boyfriend for 1 year now and we were planning to get married soon and all of a sudden he left me for another girl. of a truth, I really love this guy and never can I imagine life without him. I further tried all my best to get him back but all my effort to get him back in my life did not work out. It was on this faithful day, I came across some Testimonies on a website about this great spell caster called (Dr. UNEME) any persons claimed that he help them to renew their relationship and bring their ex lover back, I had to contact him because he was my last hope. I contacted him through his email and he assured me that in three days time my boyfriend is going to leave the other girl and come back to me and it was a very great surprise to see my boyfriend coming back to me after three days the spell was done. I am so very happy today that he came back to me and i achieved this with the help of Dr UNEME I equally want to use this opportunity to Tell/Advice to as many who need their ex back, if you need his help you can Contact him through
    EMAIL: WHATSAPP HIM @ +2348143813120

    Thank You Once Again Dr.UNEME

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  96. m here to give my testimony about Dr latifah who helped me.. i want to inform the public how i was cured from (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS) by salami, i visited different hospital but they gave me list of drugs like Famvir, Zovirax, and Valtrex which is very expensive to treat the symptoms and never cured me. I was browsing through the Internet searching for remedy on HERPES and i saw comment of people talking about how Dr latifah cured them. when i contacted her she gave me hope and send a Herbal medicine to me that i took for just 2 weeks and it seriously worked for me, my HERPES result came out negative. I am so happy as i am sharing this testimony. My advice to you all who thinks that there is no cure for herpes that is Not true just contact her and get cure from Dr maam healing herbal cure of all kinds of sickness you may have like
    (1) CANCER,
    (2) DIABETES,
    (3) HIV&AIDS,
    (5) CANCER,
    (6) IMPOTENCE,
    (8) DIARRHEA
    (9) ASTHMA
    (11)COLD SORE
    HERPES. he also cure my friend from cervical cancer Email: or whatsapp hER on +27605775963

  97. am here to give my testimony about Dr latifah who helped me.. i want to inform the public how i was cured from (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS) by salami, i visited different hospital but they gave me list of drugs like Famvir, Zovirax, and Valtrex which is very expensive to treat the symptoms and never cured me. I was browsing through the Internet searching for remedy on HERPES and i saw comment of people talking about how Dr latifah cured them. when i contacted her she gave me hope and send a Herbal medicine to me that i took for just 2 weeks and it seriously worked for me, my HERPES result came out negative. I am so happy as i am sharing this testimony. My advice to you all who thinks that there is no cure for herpes that is Not true just contact her and get cure from Dr maam healing herbal cure of all kinds of sickness you may have like
    (1) CANCER,
    (2) DIABETES,
    (3) HIV&AIDS,
    (5) CANCER,
    (6) IMPOTENCE,
    (8) DIARRHEA
    (9) ASTHMA
    (11)COLD SORE
    HERPES. he also cure my friend from cervical cancer Email: or whatsapp hER on +27605775963

  98. Thanks for taking the time to discuss this, I really feel strongly about it and love learning extra on this topic. If attainable, as you achieve experience, would you thoughts updating your blog with additional data? It is extremely useful for me. personal fitness

  99. This is the website I read about Doctor Okaka and contacted him to help me get my ex boyfriend back to marry me during the month of December last year and I have come back here to post about him. Doctor Okaka will help you solve your problem no matter what you are going through. Posting about a spell caster is very strange to me because I never believed i will be able to say that I was helped by a spell caster in bringing my ex boyfriend back to me after 3 years of no contact. I read about his voodoo spell from other websites and contacted him to help me and in less than 48 hours my ex boyfriend called me and I was happy that he wants to get back to me. We met on Friday and he proposed to me,... It was the most beautiful ring. Please everyone out here, Contact Doctor to solve your problem for you and make you happy with your relationship that is hurting you. Love is the best feeling ever experienced. Email him at or WhatsApp number:+2348141972381.

  100. HOW I GOT RID OF MY HERPES Virus WITH THE HELP OF DR AKERE.    Greetings to the general public, i want to inform the general public how i was cured of HERPES Simplex Virus by a Doctor called Dr AKERE. i visited different hospital but they gave me list of drugs like Famvir, Zovirax, and is Valtrex which is very expensive to treat the symptoms and never cured me. I was browsing through the Internet searching for remedy on HERPES and i saw comment of people talking about how Doctor Dr AKERE cured them. when i contacted him he gave me hope and send a Herbal medicine to me that i took as instructed and it seriously worked for me, i am a free person now without problem, my HERPES result came out negative. I pray for you Dr AKERE God will give you everlasting life, you shall not die before your time for being a sincere and great man. Am so happy, you can also contact him if you have any problem like HIV/AID, CANCER,HERPATITIS,DIABETES,HPV,INFECTION ETC. Reach him on his  Email Address at===  or you can contact him on WHATSAPP FOR EASY ACCESS at +2348070670337



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  114. I do not think I would have ever stop wiping if not for Dr Osasu When my lover left me the hole world was like hell I could not cope with it neither can I breathe like a real human. But all the-same I thank God for using Dr Osasu to restore my lose love and making the rest of my life full of joy and happiness by bringing back my ex lover back to me with his powerful spell. All praise and honor be onto you. if not for you Dr Osasu I don't think the rest of life would have been sweet, so all I will have to do now is to introduce you to people out there who are in similar problem or another to contact you and get there solution just like me.

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  115. Hello all,
    Why must we be confused by all this online scammers when we all know that there has never been any other oracle apart from the great spell casters called Dr Ajayi Ololo the great oracle and also i my self called Dr kuq ya that is greatest of all, Kuq ya means GREATEST AMONG ALL THE SPELL CASTERS IN THE WORLD. This oracle has been in existence for so many years even before i was born i inherited it from my great grand father. Since we have been existing we have never failed in solving any kind of problem anyone must have been having because we know the spirits that we serve we never lets us down, We perform various sacrifice to this spirits from time to time to make our powerful and doings effective. This temple is out on the internet to tell all of you that is wasting your time and also your hard earned money dealing with all this hungry souls that called themselves spell casters by bring cause to themselves by claiming to be what they are not, We advise you all that you should stop it as it is not right to do such, Because those spell casters that called themselves different names / temples are scammers and this temple is doing all within there reach to bring them to face the law. You will do this greatest oracle good by doing that. They are scammers and all those testimony there are posted by them also and not the people they have help, They are doing all this to get money to feed themselves and there family members. BE WARNED ALL OF YOU THAT NEED HELP FROM SPELL CASTERS, BECAUSE OF YOU ALL WE HAVE DECIDED TO COME ONLINE TO REDUCE AND STOP ALL THIS FAKE SPELL CASTERS, AS WE GOT PERMISSION FROM THE FBI. I have made so many of them online that are spoiling this great temple good work BLIND AND HAS LAID A CAUSE ON SO MANY OF THEM TOO. I am Dr Kuq Ya the messenger to the great oracle called Ya temple. This temple has helped so many people in the world as we know for reliable and durable spell work. In countries like: USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, Singapore, India, Germany, Poland, Spain, Nigeria, South Africa and so many more to mention has great testimonies about this great temple. We have helped so many countries get there ANCESTRAL problems solve in recent times. But we are also extending this great offer to those that have any kind of problem, when i mean any kind of problem i mean any problem at all you might be having in this life, Such as getting your lover back, you want to be rich, you feel like using charms on someone to get something you like from him or her or getting your scam many back, wining a lottery and more. KUQ YA IS HERE FOR YOUR SERVICES AND PLEASE STOP DEALING WITH THOSE SO CALLED SPELL CASTERS THAT HAVE REALLY MESSED UP THIS WORK ONLINE. I HAVE NEVER BEEN ONLINE,BUT THE PRESIDENTS OF THE ABOVE COUNTRIES AND MORE CALLED ME ON PHONE AND ALSO PERSONALLY HOLD A MEETING AND THEY ASK ME THE MESSENGER TO START ADVERTING AND TELL ALL ABOUT THIS GREATEST ORACLE THAT IS SO DURABLE, PERFECT AND MARVELOUS TO SCAMMING THAT IS GOING ON ONLINE . I WILL BE ENDING HERE NOW, IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING BOTHERING YOUR MIND AND YOU NEED PERMANENT SOLUTION TO IT WITHOUT ANY SIDE EFFECT OR HARM, KINDLY SEND AN EMAIL TO THE FOLLOWING EMAIL ADDRESS: OR reach me on WhatsApp via this phone number: +2349024891835. Thanks and may the spirits guide you to read and understand what i said and also we will be awaiting response from you all that have problems that want it solve at once. Have it mind that our spell casting here has no side effect, As it is just to grant you your heart desires without any problem.

  116. Hello all,
    Why must we be confused by all this online scammers when we all know that there has never been any other oracle apart from the great spell casters called Dr Ajayi Ololo the great oracle and also i my self called Dr kuq ya that is greatest of all, Kuq ya means GREATEST AMONG ALL THE SPELL CASTERS IN THE WORLD. This oracle has been in existence for so many years even before i was born i inherited it from my great grand father. Since we have been existing we have never failed in solving any kind of problem anyone must have been having because we know the spirits that we serve we never lets us down, We perform various sacrifice to this spirits from time to time to make our powerful and doings effective. This temple is out on the internet to tell all of you that is wasting your time and also your hard earned money dealing with all this hungry souls that called themselves spell casters by bring cause to themselves by claiming to be what they are not, We advise you all that you should stop it as it is not right to do such, Because those spell casters that called themselves different names / temples are scammers and this temple is doing all within there reach to bring them to face the law. You will do this greatest oracle good by doing that. They are scammers and all those testimony there are posted by them also and not the people they have help, They are doing all this to get money to feed themselves and there family members. BE WARNED ALL OF YOU THAT NEED HELP FROM SPELL CASTERS, BECAUSE OF YOU ALL WE HAVE DECIDED TO COME ONLINE TO REDUCE AND STOP ALL THIS FAKE SPELL CASTERS, AS WE GOT PERMISSION FROM THE FBI. I have made so many of them online that are spoiling this great temple good work BLIND AND HAS LAID A CAUSE ON SO MANY OF THEM TOO. I am Dr Kuq Ya the messenger to the great oracle called Ya temple. This temple has helped so many people in the world as we know for reliable and durable spell work. In countries like: USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, Singapore, India, Germany, Poland, Spain, Nigeria, South Africa and so many more to mention has great testimonies about this great temple. We have helped so many countries get there ANCESTRAL problems solve in recent times. But we are also extending this great offer to those that have any kind of problem, when i mean any kind of problem i mean any problem at all you might be having in this life, Such as getting your lover back, you want to be rich, you feel like using charms on someone to get something you like from him or her or getting your scam many back, wining a lottery and more. KUQ YA IS HERE FOR YOUR SERVICES AND PLEASE STOP DEALING WITH THOSE SO CALLED SPELL CASTERS THAT HAVE REALLY MESSED UP THIS WORK ONLINE. I HAVE NEVER BEEN ONLINE,BUT THE PRESIDENTS OF THE ABOVE COUNTRIES AND MORE CALLED ME ON PHONE AND ALSO PERSONALLY HOLD A MEETING AND THEY ASK ME THE MESSENGER TO START ADVERTING AND TELL ALL ABOUT THIS GREATEST ORACLE THAT IS SO DURABLE, PERFECT AND MARVELOUS TO SCAMMING THAT IS GOING ON ONLINE . I WILL BE ENDING HERE NOW, IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING BOTHERING YOUR MIND AND YOU NEED PERMANENT SOLUTION TO IT WITHOUT ANY SIDE EFFECT OR HARM, KINDLY SEND AN EMAIL TO THE FOLLOWING EMAIL ADDRESS: OR reach me on WhatsApp via this phone number: +2349024891835. Thanks and may the spirits guide you to read and understand what i said and also we will be awaiting response from you all that have problems that want it solve at once. Have it mind that our spell casting here has no side effect, As it is just to grant you your heart desires without any problem.

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